4,2Ghz voltage help please


May 28, 2014
I OC my i5 4690K about a year ago using a very good guide on youtube from stock 3.5 to 4.0 and it has and still is running beautiful.
i noticed at the time in the bios i could select 4.2 that was the max but i decided on sticking to 4.0 to match the guy in the video.

anyway now i have things like project cars i could do with a touch more power to step up the FPS so i just changed the multiplier to 4.2 and tryed to see if she would run with the same voltages as i was using.
well the PC runs ok no blue screens or cut outs but i am a bit baffled because my CPU temps have gone down were OC should make more heat right?.
for example running dirt rally on my normal OC of 4ghz she sits at 45-50c max all day long, now turned up to 4.2 never seen it go above 38 and the air from the rear case exhaust is pretty much cold were it was warm/hot before.
as for performance can not see any gains but do see some stuttering now and again.

so can i ask do i need to increase the Vcore volts now i have moved from 4 to 4.2Ghz.
or would you recommend backing back to 4.1Ghz and trying that?.
my Vcore stock was 1.019 and increased to 1.119 when i OC'ed to 4Ghz .
and my CPU input voltage (fixed voltage) is set at 1.750v.

i5 4690k 3.5ghz
corsair 600M
Sapphire Duel X R9 270X (4 gig)
8 gig HyperX Fury 1800
windows 7 64 bit
H97M Pro4 Asrock

Thank you for any help and happy Christmas to everyone.

It's possible your temperatures dropped because your fan is running a little faster now with the higher clock rate. Essentially it passed a threshold. It is odd to see your temp drops 7c. The only other thing I can think of, and I could be very wrong here as my knowledge of electrical engineering is very limited, is that your particular CPU didn't need 1.2v for this clock rate so decreasing the time the voltage sat at 1.2v waiting for the next clock cycle dropped the temps.

There is no reason to increase the voltage if your CPU is stable in this new config. You only add voltage when you can not run stable at a higher clock speed. In fact, by following the guide on youtube it's possible you have been running at excess voltage for your...
It's possible your temperatures dropped because your fan is running a little faster now with the higher clock rate. Essentially it passed a threshold. It is odd to see your temp drops 7c. The only other thing I can think of, and I could be very wrong here as my knowledge of electrical engineering is very limited, is that your particular CPU didn't need 1.2v for this clock rate so decreasing the time the voltage sat at 1.2v waiting for the next clock cycle dropped the temps.

There is no reason to increase the voltage if your CPU is stable in this new config. You only add voltage when you can not run stable at a higher clock speed. In fact, by following the guide on youtube it's possible you have been running at excess voltage for your particular CPU/PSU/Mobo combination. Every chip is different. Perhaps 1.2v is enough for you to reach 4.8Ghz while for him it's what it takes for 4.0Ghz. You may even be able to push it further or back off the voltage a little in your current config. Or just leave it and be happy.

Thank you so much for the reply and the info i am very greatfull.
My fans (noctua's all round total of 5) are set with the asrock fan control software so if anything they are running slower because the temps are lower and i have i think its called an Evo 12 CPU cooler on the i5.
i have been running my rig for two hours solid this evening with a mix of simulators and video coding and its never missed a beat and only seen it reach 40c once for a very short time with the GPU running 55 to 60c not a problem.

makes sense what you say about maybe my i5 has not been needing 1.119v all this time and now its happy with the extra 0.2Ghz at the same voltage.
if it helps here is the video i originally used its the same MB and CPU exactly thats why i used his settings and found it easy as it was my 1st time OC'ing steps.

just out of interest tomorrow i will roll back the multiplier to 4Ghz as it was and watch the temps see if it gains that extra heat back again then put it back to 4.2Ghz .

i am thinking of treating myself to a stronger GPU in the January sales , i see you are the GPU master is there a sweet combo you have found with an i5 4690K that works well together for max performance on simulators.

thanks again you have helped loads there.


To be honest i love anything that you drive/fly race etc, so my main ones are farm sim/FSX/assetto corsa/project cars/gta5/train sim/eurotruck2/dirt rally to name a few.
my monitor Acer 27inch 1920x1080p running 60Mhz.
i am in the UK so i am looking around the 250 pounds mark (sorry if you dont understand pounds i can work it out if you do recommend a GPU)


Hi just thought i would report back for you my findings.

i put my CPU back to 4Gig from 4.2 to test if i got the extra heat returning as we were talking about yesterday, well you know what the temps still stayed the cool same and thinking about it i THINK i know whats happened here.
moments before i OC my CPU from 4 to 4.2 the other day i noticed my fan header on my MB looked like it needed a push on a touch so i did (fan was working fine) and i remember knocking the CPU cooler a touch anticlockwise with my hand so i carefully turned it clockwise a touch to put it back the way it was and maybe that movement has seated it a bit better and its working better as my temps have come down around 8 to 10c since then even running at 4.2 as you know.

so i increased my CPU to 4.4 not long ago just out of interest keeping the same voltage and other settings and she started and run fine.
i started project cars to test and raced for a good 20mins with a healthy 80 to 120fps no problem then all of a sudden PC just crashed.
do you think its worth a small voltage bump or is 4.4 to far maybe.
so at the moment 4.4Ghz at 1.119v ..............i believe from my research on here i can go to 1.2v and its safe?.

do you think its worth a shot please?



That was a very interesting read i learnt a lot thank you for that..
so i made my mind up i am sticking at 4.2 and playing it safe and when my new GPU is brought that will i hope give me that extra kick for graphics and fps.

thank you once again you have been a star helping me.

take care
