Forgive me for putting up yet another 3570k OC post...
For the past few months I've been content with a moderate overclock of this chip at 4.2Ghz (all cores, voltage offset -0.065, LLC level 5) - but a few days ago I was inspired to try a little bump with my OC, the issue is that it seems like there needs to be a whole different approach in passing the 4.2Ghz mark. All the guides (pro and amateur) all seem to lead me to conclude that we're more or less on our own once we try high-moderate OC'ing (such as anything over 4.2Ghz) and this is why I am writing here - to see if anyone can shed some light on where I currently stand. Am I way off the mark, or on the right track, or basically spot on with where I want to be. Funny thing is that most forums out there are based on people wanting to reach 4.5Ghz but this is the point where there simply seems to be no consensus.
Anyways, here's where I stand atm:
4.5Ghz with LLC Level 2 at Offset Voltage +0.035 --> this provides a stable system (not tested long-term) with the following outcomes:
Avg. Temps range (idle/load): 20-30c / 65-82c (depending on the core)
Operating voltages (idle/load): ~1.062 / ~1.320 (of course these numbers fluctuate during testing/idling, but these are the numbers I see cpuz display the most often and longest.)
Do these look reasonable? Any feedback? The Load Line Calibration settings confuse me a little even after reading much info on them. Same thing with Offset Voltages - the calculations I've read (Vcore - VID = optimal offset) don't seem to really fit well. I do want to stick with Offset as I can't get my mind wrapped around running full constant voltages through the cores even when it's idling.
For the past few months I've been content with a moderate overclock of this chip at 4.2Ghz (all cores, voltage offset -0.065, LLC level 5) - but a few days ago I was inspired to try a little bump with my OC, the issue is that it seems like there needs to be a whole different approach in passing the 4.2Ghz mark. All the guides (pro and amateur) all seem to lead me to conclude that we're more or less on our own once we try high-moderate OC'ing (such as anything over 4.2Ghz) and this is why I am writing here - to see if anyone can shed some light on where I currently stand. Am I way off the mark, or on the right track, or basically spot on with where I want to be. Funny thing is that most forums out there are based on people wanting to reach 4.5Ghz but this is the point where there simply seems to be no consensus.
Anyways, here's where I stand atm:
4.5Ghz with LLC Level 2 at Offset Voltage +0.035 --> this provides a stable system (not tested long-term) with the following outcomes:
Avg. Temps range (idle/load): 20-30c / 65-82c (depending on the core)
Operating voltages (idle/load): ~1.062 / ~1.320 (of course these numbers fluctuate during testing/idling, but these are the numbers I see cpuz display the most often and longest.)
Do these look reasonable? Any feedback? The Load Line Calibration settings confuse me a little even after reading much info on them. Same thing with Offset Voltages - the calculations I've read (Vcore - VID = optimal offset) don't seem to really fit well. I do want to stick with Offset as I can't get my mind wrapped around running full constant voltages through the cores even when it's idling.