4-6 or 8 i7 CPU Cores


May 25, 2016
I currently have 2x 980tis in sli 2 500mb ssd drives 64gbs of ram but im still running a4 year old motherboard and a 4 yr old i7cpu I will be upgrading my motherboard and cpu and can't decide what the best cpu is going to be. I have 8 monitors ( i trade stocks) I use my comp for running a few different trade platforms which run 4 charts per screen, have a bout 20 chrome tabs open at once, run skype streaming music and i run a live screen share stream of my desktop during the market hours. I enjoy playing games in the evening across 3 screens. What intel cpu should i get 4/6/8 cores?
due to the pure amount of information your computer has to process with everything open as you describe the best cpu to go for if you don't mind splashing the cash is i7-5960x, alternatively if you want to spend less you could always get a Xeon 1231 v3 both will do very well but the 5960k is far better.

That was how I was leaning but have heard conflicting info from different folks, which is why I was asking. Surprisingly enough the comp runs really well, but once I started streaming my screen I started seeing some lag for the first time which is why im looking to make the change. thanks for your input

I agree and that is on the top of my list but as the person above you stated due to the pure amount of info the comp is processing im just worried its not enough
comparing the gaming performance I7-6700k to things like the i7-5960k or a Xeon chip is just a really bad comparison taking into consideration what OP has stated he is trying to achieve, now if he was just going for a pure gaming rig then the I7-6700k or the i5-6600k would be a no bariner but due to the sheer amount of processes that need to happen the higher core/thread count on the I7-5960k will really help, you could also look at some 6 core Xeon's if you wish as a Xeon or the 5960k will suit you better than the I7-6700k I would think.

I am not super tech savy how would I go about doing that?

i use live streaming through ticker.tv program is broadcast1

I use camtasia to record and upload via VIMEO for non live video but then need to stream for the trading session and use ticker.tv (thats the url) to do so