4.6ghz to 4.7ghz much of a difference in OC'ing i7 4770k?

Nuno Miguel Costa

Dec 13, 2013
Hey! I have read on this article http:// that the msi z87-g45 motherboard came 100mhz shorter than the gygabite one on overlocking the i7 4770k. But the msi board has other beneficts for the same price. So the question is, is 100mhz much of a difference in overlocking the i7 4770k? Maybe not now, but in 4 years it would make a difference in gaming?
Both are good boards, but 100mhz does not make much of a difference. Not every motherboard is exactly the same either, that isn't a very reliable way to test the quality of a motherboard, maybe the MSI one had a slightly worse application of thermal paste. Get what you want.
Beyond 4GHz actually rarely makes a difference either currently for most games.

As for FOUR YEARS from now, the biggest difference will be better use of all eight threads, as well as the graphics card of course.

As for WHICH BOARD, I suggest you look at CUSTOMER REVIEWS to get an idea of quality as your main focus. My recommendations are either that GIGABYTE or the ASUS from that list.

I've been recommending the Asus Maximus Hero VI which is a great board, and has SupremeFX audio. If you were to buy a sound card anyway there's no difference in price (may even be cheaper).

The HERO is only $36 more than the MSI you linked, and I personally think it's worth the difference in price.


I've read about that board, but the problem is that its over my budjet.in fact, i wasnt even planning on buying the z87g45 but i figured 25 more bucks wouldnt hurt, but if now i went to choose the hero it would be 56 $ more than initially.


If you go through the PCPARTPICKER site you can show only the Z87 1150 motherboards, then filter by PRICE. Look at customer reviews and Google reviews elsewhere.