4 Pin Fan Controller to 6 Pin Molex PSU


Mar 17, 2014
I currently have a 800W PSU supporting 2 r9 290x video cards and an amd fx-9590 CPU. I am looking to buy 6x http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=11-999-344%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20 . I am wondering: 1. If my PSU can support all of these things running at once, and 2. if all I need is a 2x4 pin molex to 6 pin molex adapter?

By the way, the fan controller I am thinking about buying is this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811981005

If you have any other fan controller suggestions, I'm totally open to those as well :).
your psu SHOULD be able to handle it. what i would do instead of buying those fans however, is find ANY other fan that uses either a simple 3 pin or 4 pin connector style. from there all you need to do is plug all the fans into the fan controller, and then have a single 4 pin molex running from your psu to the fan controller to power all the fans

1. if you have not bought the system yet, save the money and do not get the 9590 cpu, it's a waste of money vs the 8350 plain and simple
2. think about getting a slightly better psu (850w) for dual 290x and high end amd cpu, this will give you the overclocking headroom you may want, as well as ease a bit of strain under load on your psu.
3. go hard and happy gaming 😀
your psu SHOULD be able to handle it. what i would do instead of buying those fans however, is find ANY other fan that uses either a simple 3 pin or 4 pin connector style. from there all you need to do is plug all the fans into the fan controller, and then have a single 4 pin molex running from your psu to the fan controller to power all the fans

1. if you have not bought the system yet, save the money and do not get the 9590 cpu, it's a waste of money vs the 8350 plain and simple
2. think about getting a slightly better psu (850w) for dual 290x and high end amd cpu, this will give you the overclocking headroom you may want, as well as ease a bit of strain under load on your psu.
3. go hard and happy gaming 😀

Hey Brantyn, thanks so much for your quick reply! I looked into more fans, and found this: http://www.frozencpu.com/products/5879/fan-294/Cooljag_Everflow_120mm_x_25mm_9-Blade_PWM_Fan_R121225BU.html?tl=g36c435s1104#blank . Do you think this is a pretty good fan? Also, unfortunately, the system is already purchased so I'm kinda stuck haha. I don't really overclock much anyways, I just like getting high fps in a few games that I enjoy playing :).
That is quite the shame. the 9590 is about the biggest flop amd have had in a while (it was released at $800 and beat by intel's $200 i5's and killed by their $300 i-7, and was barely any improvement over the $180 8350)

anyways, those fans are NOT very good, as they actually get quite loud.

http://www.frozencpu.com/products/16043/fan-995/Corsair_Air_Series_SP120_High_Performance_Edition_High_Static_Pressure_120mm_Fan_-_2_Pack_CO-9050008-WW.html?tl=g36c15s60 some of the best fans on the market and comes with red, blue and grey rings so you dont have to worry about the color shown. just buy 3 of the 2 packs

Hmmm, but those fans are only 5 dB quieter and have nearly half the CFM of the other ones, correct? Sorry, I'm a complete newbie to hardware, so I apologize in advance for any ignorance ^_^.
there is a HUGE difference between what is on the box, and how the fan actually performs from both companies (you'd be surprised how many companies downright lie about fan specs on the box, and even the corsair ones may not fully match listed specs, but they are trusted to come close). also 5db is more than "half" as quiet. I personally use these fans, and fans from cougar and am extremely impressed with the performance and how much air they move, especially when you turn them up a bit.
Lol well those are the exact cougar fans i have and i love them, so i definitely am not going to have anything bad to say about them, but they do NOT push as much air as the corsair fans. they are indeed quieter though and still push a more than acceptable amount of air
So then, if I'm doing something which puts the GPUs under extremely high loads at times, i.e. cryptocurrency mining, you think I should definitely go with the Corsairs?