40$ mechanical keyboard

https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823334021 I found this one and a lot of people are talking about this kb being a beast for its price, pros i see is that it is from a reputable brand (gigabyte) and it has true cherry mx reds. Cons there isnt backlighting which isnt a problem for me.

I am currently having a blue switch keyboard and it is way too loud it will make me crazy (i loved blue switch but now i hate it) so I am looking for something quieter. And i found that reds are quite silent.

I am gonna go with reds, do you know any under 40$ on newegg/amazon that are good?

I started to literally hate on blue switches so I am probably gonna go for gigabyte k83 red as I linked above.
yeah, the gigabyte with cherry mx reds, i would get that one if i were you. i trust cherry

I do love and adore Cherry MX Brown's and Blue's, love the loud clack.

but I did get a Rosewill K85 Neon with Kailh Blue Switches and I really love it too. it's 60

i love it's aluminum plate design, very rigid and solid, the keys float above and you see all the glorious RGB lighting for ever key top to bottom. The manufacturer for K85 is Wiftech, a Chinese company

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071FBRPBY/ref=twister_B07C3G3798?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Found my sweetspot RGB plus it's red it's cherry it's gigabyte and it is less than 50$ (it's a little over my budget)

Tbh I would never pay that much for that type of keyboard for 150$ you can find way better.

What to do you think about XK-700?
For a while I've using a Logitech 360 for gaming because it's cheap and has as a short stroke on the keys. They're cheap and if it breaks, it's easily replaceable. But after several keyboards, I started searching for a better keyboard. I bought several keyboards and most have deep strokes and loud clicks. I settled for a Rosewill 'Neon' gaming which I consider is just O.K. for $40. The 'click' is not loud and it's responsive to the stroke but like the Corsair K68 I own, the stroke is deep. I'm hunting for fast, short key stroke and I'm paying close attention to what everyone says here, too.

Looks decent. Any chance you dropped it yet? (short drop). I drag these things from station to station, around the office and on the road. (fall out the car on the pavement). I like the key tool.