$40 mid size atx budget case?


Jul 10, 2013
I'm looking for a cheap mid size atx case on a $40 budget. I'll buy from anywhere and so far I've come up with the antec GX700. Does anybody know any better, cheap cases?

Motherboard - asus m5a97 r2.0
Antec 302 has usb3.0 ports but it's out of your price range, but it's just an upgraded version of the original Antec 300 with a crappy internal. At this price range, if you find GX700's appearance fits you then go for it. It's a superb case when it comes to cooling performance.


I know. I'm not a big fan of the look either but I'm a cheapo and it has decent reviews. I'd like anything with atleast one USB 3.0 port. I'll take a gander at the older models.
Antec 302 has usb3.0 ports but it's out of your price range, but it's just an upgraded version of the original Antec 300 with a crappy internal. At this price range, if you find GX700's appearance fits you then go for it. It's a superb case when it comes to cooling performance.


Wow I think I'll just go with the Gx700 after seeing that. What does high fan and low fans mean though? I'm making my first build and still learning a lot stuff.
These are some of my favorites :

1. NZXT Source 210 : 38 Dollars : http://pcpartpicker.com/part/nzxt-case-s210001
3. Zalman Z9 : 42 Dollars : http://pcpartpicker.com/part/zalman-case-z9
3. Thermaltake V3 Black Edition : 20 Dollars : http://pcpartpicker.com/part/thermaltake-case-vl80001w2z
4. Cooler Master Elite 335 : 37 Dollars : http://pcpartpicker.com/part/cooler-master-case-rc335ukkn1
5. NZXT Source 210 (white) : 25 Dollars : http://pcpartpicker.com/part/nzxt-case-s210002
6. Cooler Master Elite 430 : 30 Dollars : http://pcpartpicker.com/part/cooler-master-case-rc430kwn1

These are my favorites in that price section, but if you want to spend like 10 dollars more, then you can get a much better case. But if you want to stick to the under 40 dollar price section, then these are the best ones out there currently .

If you think that the answer helped, then don't forget to select it as the best answer. It would be highly appreciated by me.

Okay if it would be easily worth it then which cases would you recommend at $50? If I could get a significantly better case at $60 then I wouldn't mind those suggestions either but $60 would be my top dollar.