$400 PC Build w/ O.S.

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I am looking for a $400 Gaming PC that would run mainly Minecraft and maybe some other games. I would like Minecraft to run at max settings good and maybe Call of Duty or some NBA games at low-medium settings. I would like to have the operating system already included in the cost. I have seen some I might get and was wanting to know what real people think. If you have any build suggestions, post it, please. Thank you in advance!

Side Note: This is my first build. Please be kind if I suggest a part that I think is good and it actually sucks.
Here is a build for about $400 that has a good amount of power for the price. It has 8gb of memory and a 1tb hard drive. However, an optical drive is not included in this build but you can get a cheaper case and buy an optical drive instead.

Processor:  http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00CPLGFM4?cache=b79666b7072744d6a9c7160605864ea0&pi=SY200_QL40&qid=1406479950&sr=8-1#

Case: http://www.amazon.com/Cooler-Master-HAF-912-Computer/dp/B00BCXF6O4/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1406760436&sr=8-7&keywords=pc+case

Motherboard: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00HGLX81O?cache=b79666b7072744d6a9c7160605864ea0&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70&qid=1406486920&sr=8-13#ref=mp_s_a_1_13

Hard drive...
No, it does not need a monitor. I'm willing to go to $500, if I have to.

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/bXTRgs Here's a build for you. This won't be that powerful, but it does leave the option to put in a video card later. Alternatively, if you're feeling brave, you could spend all that Windows 8 money on a video card and try to get Minecraft to run in WINE. I know there's an online college course in Linux being given away for free this summer, and checking it out could potentially save you money. If you do decide to go that route, my recommendation for a first distro is Mint Quiana MATE edition.
Here is a build for about $400 that has a good amount of power for the price. It has 8gb of memory and a 1tb hard drive. However, an optical drive is not included in this build but you can get a cheaper case and buy an optical drive instead.

Processor:  http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00CPLGFM4?cache=b79666b7072744d6a9c7160605864ea0&pi=SY200_QL40&qid=1406479950&sr=8-1#

Case: http://www.amazon.com/Cooler-Master-HAF-912-Computer/dp/B00BCXF6O4/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1406760436&sr=8-7&keywords=pc+case

Motherboard: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00HGLX81O?cache=b79666b7072744d6a9c7160605864ea0&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70&qid=1406486920&sr=8-13#ref=mp_s_a_1_13

Hard drive: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005T3GRNW/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1406487088&sr=8-2

Power supply: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817438015

Memory: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148540&cm_re=crucial_ballistic_sport-_-20-148-540-_-Product

OS: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00EDSI7QO/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1406742513&sr=8-1