400 Watts for gtx 760

While playing games the psu is making a very little quircking sound may be fan is running at full speed when I get my ears to the back of psu I can hear it is normal or I should be worried

It's a asus gtx 760 direct cu2 and my 400 Watt has dual rails each with 14 amps with 6 pin connector and I bought this vip 400watt psu four days back itself it's been a good brand in india
400 Watt has dual rails each with 14 amps with 6 pin connector

Dual rails doesn't make it a good PSU. And 14A on each rail isn't a lot of power. 18-22A is standard. You also said a 6 pin connector, but according to this review it has a single 8pin plug?


Are you using adapters to provide the power needed? I don't mean to be rude, but while you might have a good brand and even parts for India, that doesn't mean you have a gaming system. An A8 APU, with an 3 generation old GPU doesn't mean you'll be maxing out games. At least not current ones.

What resolution are you playing at? What games have the stuttering? Due to the age of the card it might be a heat issue. But at this point I can only guess.
Yes I'm using a adaptor amd playing at 1366*768 monitors and mostly stutter in rise of the tomb raider and assassin creed unity .I can return psu I bought it new one.
I have two options of psu one is vip 500w with 18amps it two has dual rail .and antec bp 450s and antec bp 450ps both has 8 pin connector . All other psu here way out price for ex Corsair 450w is 3000rs with single rail .
Vip 500 w psu has a single 6 pin connector. And I don't want to max out settings all I need is stable fps to play as it's 720p monitor I don't accept high from it only worried is this psu can fry up my entire system and Asus gtx 760 is also 3 yrs old but got at low price so bought it but I can't return it so any advice to make it work(except psu ) with my cpu I will upgrade later prices are now way to high .and does amd a8 840k support fm2 and I'm still at 4gb ddr3 ram
Why do you think multi vs single rail is important? You shouldn't rule out a PSU just because one is a single rail vs multi. It's only a worry in one case, and at these power levels it's not a problem. I'd go with the Antec or the Corsair. The "vip 500" doesn't have the PCIe connections you need.
Yes cpu load is around 100℅. And gpu temp is of avg 60°c and cpu is at 40°c .is driver the is issue I installed latest driver as well old one once performance is not that good. I'm worried what to do now
I'm still trying to figure out how we got off of PSUs and onto bad performance.

I would lay the bad performance at the CPU. You said it's maxed out while gaming, and you only have an A8. I don't know what games you are trying to play on it, but whatever they are must be too much for APU, even at 1366x768.
If a PSU isn't enough you get shut downs. You shouldn't get poor performance. That's happening because your CPU is maxed out, it can't handle the load you are putting on it. The noisy PSU is happening because you are using adapters to make it power your card and it's being maxed out as well. At some point it will die, possibly killing things attached to it when it does.

My advice is to focus on the PSU having the right connectors. This means if your card requires an 8 pin connector you should not even be considering any PSU that does not offer an 8 pin connector(or a 6 pin + 2 pin). Once you have narrowed your choices to those PSUs, then you make sure you pick the quality brand, such as Antec, and make sure it's of the recommended power level. The amount of rails should be of no concern to you.

Just by reading that have a good idea of the kind of PSU that you have, two rails with 14 amps on each one sounds more like a 250-300W unit, and overstating the capacity is often seen on cheap PSUs.

Yes I understood that psu cant handle it so I'm upgrading my psu by antec bp450s it has a 8 pin connector.since I m changing graphic card. First when I got gtx 650ti it was also not performing well with lot of stutters later I reinstalled windows and installed drivers it performed upto the mark .now when I get new psu shall I do the same I searched online changing graphic card performance will be effected because of change of drivers and first when I inserted graphic card it itself installed nvidea drivers when I had amd radeon driver for the apu I have .is it be the issue for it as I think it might same happening what happened with gtx 650ti.