$4000 Ryzen/AMD build


Mar 4, 2017
It's been 5 years and I am building my first Ryzen/AMD Build
So far I have put this list together. I need to leave about $500 left over for VEGA (assuming it won't cost more). However, I won't mind if it goes over a little bit.

Approximate Purchase Date: e.g.: As soon as Vega comes out (May possibly)

Budget Range: $4000

System Usage from Most to Least Important: LAG FREE gaming (mosty MMOs)

Are you buying a monitor: Yes, this is part of the $4k budget.

Parts to Upgrade: New Build

Do you need to buy OS: No (bought already not part of budget).

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Amazon (I get 5% back).

Location: USA, GA

Parts Preferences: None (but good quality)

Overclocking: Yes

SLI or Crossfire: Maybe

Your Monitor Resolution: 3840x1600
Additional Comments: I have bought some RGB cables already to make it look nicer.

And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: 5 year old I5 2500k and GTX580 3gb can't max out my games any more

Here is a compiled list so far of what I have. I still need help/suggestions on CPU cooling (I would prefer liquid cpu cooling) and maybe a mechanical hard drive for storage:


Yeah just wait to see what happens. AMD are also releasing another line of slightly different architecture and the rumours are ,as soon as June .When they drop those prices, AMD and Intel will have to change there prices overall and when Vega is Launched , A price war with Nvidia will ensue ,They just dropped the 1080ti and that's going to be 600 US and slightly faster or equal to a...
My honest opinion, get a 7700k and enjoy your life. It's still pretty far ahead of the Ryzen chips for gaming and it's already optimized for. There's no use paying more for 4 cores and 8 threads that you're not going to use since you're not streaming or creating content. In addition, that monitor is unbelievably overpriced. I'd highly suggest getting a 144hz monitor for gaming, even if it's only 1080p, and having a nice 4k secondary monitor. That being said:

https://pcpartpicker.com/list/8KKMD8 would probably fit your needs, just replace the GTX 1080 with the Vega GPU (or just buy it now and skip waiting, which would make a lot of sense)

Personally, I'd suggest not waiting and buying a combo like this


or substitute the 2 monitors for a 144hz 1440p monitor

No reason to buy Zen it still can't beat the gaming performance of the i7 7700K. Same thing with the video card when AMD releases the new cards if they can even compete with the GTX 1080 their going to pop out the GTX 1080ti. The Freesinc on the monitor really means nothing for a 75 refresh rate.
I also see no reason to wait. This board has a connector for RGB lighting that can be controlled with the board.
SSD for the OS and programs a bigger one for games and a regular drive for storage.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K 4.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($357.01 @ Amazon)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H100i v2 70.7 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($117.79 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z270X-Gaming 5 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($205.13 @ Amazon)
Memory: Corsair Dominator Platinum 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($143.30 @ Amazon)
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($106.11 @ Amazon)
Storage: Crucial MX300 525GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($158.12 @ Amazon)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($58.84 @ Amazon)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 8GB SC2 Gaming iCX Video Card ($580.16 @ Amazon)
Case: Phanteks Enthoo Evolv ATX Glass ATX Mid Tower Case ($220.63 @ Amazon)
Total: $1947.09
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-03-04 18:14 EST-0500
Well thank you both for your reply's. This is very disappointing. After reading both your suggestions I went ahead and did some more research. I was under the impression that Ryzen was better for the money. It seems now I have to start over. Do you think Ryzen will get better with updates (as AMD is suggesting)? I am building a Rig that is supposed to last me 5 years and that's why I'm spending so much money on it. Are there comparable Intel mother boards that will overclock by itself like the MSI one?

Thank you
1. Ryzen is excellent value, just not as much for gaming at the moment. If you're an editor and can use all 16 threads then $330 for the 1700 is a steal. If you intend on overclocking quite a bit, it will still be good, it's just that the ipc is more on par with haswell and AMD isn't as well optimized for in games.

2. Ryzen might get better with updates, it might not, depends on how completely game devs adopt AMD's platform. 95% of people gaming at this point are still on intel, so it might take a while for the tide to shift.

3. It's much better to build a $2000 rig to last 2.5 years and save money for upgrades down the line than it is to spend $4000 at one time. The law of diminishing returns kicks in pretty fast.

4. Yes, there are intel mobos that auto overclock

FYI Ryzen isn't a bad deal and, if you overclock it, it can keep up with some decent intel processors in game, but it's more meant for content creators. If you want to go AMD then you're not giving up much, it's just that Intel and Nvidia have stuff out NOW that you can buy to meet your goals and you don't have to depend on future optimization.
I agree dont go earlier uptake on Ryzen,Just stay mid range. Technology loses value as soon as leave the store and on the drive home your losing money you can go in early with Vega because graphics are getting constantly updated go mid range get good performance ,I have 650 dollar cards that are paper weights ,waste of money ,New cards will always be far better than previous gen and good enough for any game at high res ,good luck I wont give you any advise on parts ,I would research my self and take what you hear with a grain of salt ,including this

These are the only real in game benchmarks I have seen out so far and Intel is still ahead for gaming.
I am not saying don't do it but it will cost you,If you have money and want something new and interesting ,Then get in there and be first in the overclocking race ,go for it but don't expect more perfomance i7 k series overclocked will be fast as and start at 349 which is low tier ryzen prices
Thank you all again for your reply's. I've been researching and found some new bench-marking. There is something wrong with "SMT" when it comes to Ryzen. Someone turned it off and got very similar results to Intel's 6900k series. I also plan on playing at a higher resolution. I guess I have a little bit of time until may and then I'll decide.
It's just not optimized yet, Intel had the same problem a few years ago. AMD will work it out eventually. For what it's worth it looks like a mild OC lets you leave SMT on without any consequences. The 7700K is still the best gaming CPU though, if you're not doing any streaming or content creation I'd still recommend that.
Man you guys are definitely making me reconsider. Honestly, all I will do with this new rig is game. I am however going to stick with high rez gaming as i'm used to it.

If I'm playing an intensive game and my virus protector decides to do a scan and/or windows is performing an update will I see a difference with the 7700k vs 1800x?
I doubt it, unless you're using a really power hungry antivirus program for some reason. If you do get a Ryzen chip though, get the 1700. It's the same cpu die and a few reviewers have noted that it performs exactly the same as the 1800X with an OC to 3.9GHz, which isn't hard. At the end of the day, I think you'll be happy with either, but the 7700K will be ~10% better at CPU intensive games that run at high FPS. Just flip a coin and, if you feel disappointed about the result, get the other one. Something about leaving it to chance makes you realize what you'd rather have.

Yeah just wait to see what happens. AMD are also releasing another line of slightly different architecture and the rumours are ,as soon as June .When they drop those prices, AMD and Intel will have to change there prices overall and when Vega is Launched , A price war with Nvidia will ensue ,They just dropped the 1080ti and that's going to be 600 US and slightly faster or equal to a titan ,Now that's cheap ,wait a few months and get something that will last and be up gradable in the near future
You automatically drag everyone that posted in a thread back into it when you post something. It's extremely unlikely the op is still looking for advice and if he/she is they'll make a new post with their new concerns. No reason to lazirus a thread the op themselves slapped a solution to. I wouldn't have wasted my time but I saw that you were new here, thought I'd try to help ya out. I see that effort was a waste of my time.