400w psu enough for when 1700x and gtx1060 build?


Jan 24, 2014
Hi guys,

Upgrading my A10-6800k for editing 4k vid, will my old Antec neoeco 400w bronze be enough to power a ryzen 1700x + evga gtx1060 as 6g? Also going to use gigabyte ab350m, 2x16g hyperX 2400 ram + 1 hyperX ssd + 1 sata hdd. Cooler master site suggests 367w, so my 400w should work right? Not planning to oc anything. Thanks!
Thats pushing it pretty far. the math says you may squeeze by but longevity will suffer. Talking a $800 system investment that you are powering with a $25 PSU.. Bad Idea Spen $40-50 on a solid supply. If you are wrong blue smoke may smoke the whole thing.
You are very close to the edge there and with a low end PSU. Power supply is one place where it never pays to go low end.
So to your question, it might work, if your PSU was a decent quality and has not been been in use for too many years. But I would suggest replacing it.

I would recommend this one:
Platinum certified, very good quality, very efficient.


That's kind of expensive for only being 550W with Enhance caps, I'd rather get something cheaper with Seasonic or SuperFlower caps even if you're giving up 1-2% efficiency. Plus it only has a 1 year warranty on the parts, there are better options. EVGA and Seasonic are the best bang for the buck IMO.

In a typical use case you are giving up over 7% when comparing bronze vs platinum.

You might prefer putting an extra 40watt of waste heat in your system, I don't. If the difference is worth the extra $30 is up to everyone and their respective wallets. It is worth it to me.

I think Seasonic is great too, but for most they aren't going to be seen as twice as good as the also very good Rosewill. (Last I checked an efficient Seasonic was close to double the price of the Rosewill).
I suggested a Seasonic G-Series 550W that's $60 as opposed to $90, which is 2% less efficient at 50% load, about what you'd expect to be pulling on this system, which is a 5-6W difference. The warranty is 4 years longer and, at 15c a KWhr, it would take almost 5 years of 24/7 use at full load to make up for the extra $30 you spent on the Rosewill.
You can like what you want, and recommend what you want but where is this imaginary 2% difference coming from?

At 50% load the difference is 7%.

And you btw, you did not recommend a 550w PSU, I did. You recommended a 520w,
Based on the coolermaster site, the Seasonic 520w would be running at around 73% (moderate load, more at full-bore) and the Rosewill 550w would be at 69% at the same load accentuating the difference. At only 73% load the seasonic will be around 83.5% efficient. At 69% the rosewill would be at around 91% efficient.


So to provide 367w the Seasonic would have to consume around 439.5w
Math is simple 367 / 0.835 =439.5
Subtract the power delivered and you waste 72.5watts as heat that your PSU it putting in your case.
With the Rosewill to provide 367w it would have to consume 403w which results in 36w of heat.
The difference is also simple math 72.5 - 36 = 36.5w. Or just over 6 times as much as you stated.

So assuming the rest of your math was right, then the pay back would be in 7.5 months. But I don't buy (or recommend) efficient PSUs to save money (they do save you money) but because heat is "bad" for computers., Having the equivalent of a 40watt light bulb in your case dumping heat is not good. If you are worried about longevity of your PSU (and/or just wish to avoid surprise repairs) a surge suppressor with a line filter is a great investment.

Because I make assumptions which don't always prove to be true.

I clicked on the other newegg recommendation which displays the exact same text and never clicked your identical seeming link.
/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16... = Bronze
/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16... = Gold
thanks guys for all your suggestions, I took the advice and got a Antec neo eco 650M 80 bronze. The seasonic here costs $100 usd, and the antec was on sale for $63 so ended up going with that