[40k] version 2 vs latest version



Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

Hi all,

I've been out of the loop from about 1996 due to being poor with uni
and then work but before that i had a large 'nid army. I've been
thinking about getting back into 40k as I think that the miniatures are

I been reading here about assault 1-3, new AP and Heavy 1-3 can anyone
give me a summary of the new rules?

As for a new army I've been tossing up between a marine chapter and
an imperial guard force (want to get out of the old HTH 'nids into
something a bit more shooty). Would love to use a Stormhammer super
heavy but haven't seen any rules for one. The IA books only seem to
cover the stormblade, stormsword, shadowsword, and Baneblade. BTW
isn't the stormblade meant to have a rack or hunter killer missiles?
Also those bombards look pretty potent as well. If i was thinking
about tourney play as well are units in the IA books valid?



Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

In article <1112049851.329184.286080@l41g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>,
"jaza" <jared.haslemore@gmail.com> wrote:

> I been reading here about assault 1-3, new AP and Heavy 1-3 can anyone
> give me a summary of the new rules?

Assault X. The weapon can be fired X times even if the model has moved.
Assault weapons can also be fired at full effect w/o sacrificing the
ability to assault (aka charge) an enemy unit.

Heavy X. Move or fire weapon that can be fired X times. Moving just one
model in the unit means the entire unit has moved.

AP. Compare the AP number of the weapon to the armor save of the wounded
model. If the AP is equal to or lower than the save, then the model gets
no save. Frex: bolters are AP5. Any model with an armor save of 5+ or 6+
that is wounded by a bolter gets no save.

Be seeing you-


Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

jaza wrote:
> I've been out of the loop from about 1996 due to being poor with uni
> and then work but before that i had a large 'nid army. I've been
> thinking about getting back into 40k as I think that the miniatures are
> great.

You should. Get the new, 40k4 hardback rulebook or the new Battle for
McCragge boxed set with the small softcover rulebook. The rules are
much cleaner than in any previous version.

> As for a new army I've been tossing up between a marine chapter and
> an imperial guard force

Marines are *VERY* strong this edition.

Nids should be quite good as well.

> Would love to use a Stormhammer super
> heavy but haven't seen any rules for one.

Do you have such a model? If not, don't fret -- there are no rules for
one, but you could just make some up. It'd cost about 800 pts to field,

> Also those bombards look pretty potent as well. If i was thinking
> about tourney play as well are units in the IA books valid?

Nope. The Bombard is merely OK, being hamstrung by the limits of GW's
40k chassis.

--- John Hwang "JohnHwang...@cs.com.no.com"
| A.K.D. F.E.M.C.
| Horned Blood Cross Terror LED Speed Jagd Destiny


Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

Thanks for that it makes a lot of sence now. How about AP vs vehicles
i know it used to use all manner of dice?

How does that AP work vs terminators/carifexes that save on a 3+ on 2D6
and also Chaos Terminators 2+ on 2D6 (with mark of Korn)? Or do
weapons still have a save modifier? eg bolt gun -1 so for above
examples saves would be at 4+ and 3+ on 2D6.

I assume that weapons still have to roll to wound as normal which means
that there will alwasy be a 1/6 chance of failing even with S10 v T1.

Do weapons still inflict multiple wounds?


Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

"jaza" <jared.haslemore@gmail.com> wrote in message news:<1112193285.832299.314130@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>...
> Thanks for that it makes a lot of sence now. How about AP vs vehicles
> i know it used to use all manner of dice?

It basically works the same way, but since there aren't any multiwound
weapons anymore you only roll one dice and add the weapon strength.

> How does that AP work vs terminators/carifexes that save on a 3+ on 2D6
> and also Chaos Terminators 2+ on 2D6 (with mark of Korn)?

Simple - they don't have saves on 2D6 any more, and AP works against
them the same way it works against anything else (in these cases AP1
or 2 weapons ignore the 2+ save, others don't).

> I assume that weapons still have to roll to wound as normal which
> that there will alwasy be a 1/6 chance of failing even with S10 v T1.


> Do weapons still inflict multiple wounds?

No. Instead there's a rule for 'instant death' - if a model is wounded
and fails to save against a weapon with S equal to or greater than
twice its toughness (say, a T4 Space Marine character hit by an S8
krak missile), the model is automatically killed regardless of how
many wounds it has. Otherwise weapons just cause 1 wound per failed

Philip Bowles


Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 06:34:45 -0800, jaza wrote:

> Thanks for that it makes a lot of sence now. How about AP vs vehicles
> i know it used to use all manner of dice?

They got rid of all the various types of dice, only D6s are used.
Penetration is usually S+D6. Vehicle data cards don't exist anymore.
When you shoot a vehicle, where you hit is based on the direction you are
facing (front, side, or rear). There is a universal set of damage tables
that applies to all vehicles, rather than seperate ones for each vehicle.

> How does that AP work vs terminators/carifexes that save on a 3+ on 2D6
> and also Chaos Terminators 2+ on 2D6 (with mark of Korn)?

Terminator saves have changed. Army lists have as well, the old codices
are not compatable with the current rules.

> Or do weapons still have a save modifier?

Nope, armour saves are basically all or nothing - you get your base save
or no save.

> I assume that weapons still have to roll to wound as normal which means
> that there will alwasy be a 1/6 chance of failing even with S10 v T1.

yeah, to wound rolls are the same.

> Do weapons still inflict multiple wounds?

Not usually. Weapons do one wound. Weapons that are twice the
toughness of the victim kill them regardless of wounds.

You need to read through the new rules, a whole lot has changed since 2nd
edition. It is a different game these days. And of course, virtually all
the rules have exceptions.

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