4590 Bottlenecking GTX 1060 6gb?


Sep 26, 2012
I upgraded my build from a 960 2gb to an EVGA 1060 SSC 6gb. I used the geforce experience "optimal" settings and played Rise of the Tomb Raider. Looked amazing, however, it would stutter in certain parts, and freeze during gameplay. When it does this, I saw that my CPU was maxed out at %100, my keyboard has a display that keeps track of my RAM and CPU. I keep reading that a 1060 shouldn't be bottlenecked by a 4590, if that's the case, then a) what is causing the stuttering and freezing, (could it be my new dell freesync monitor?) b) what is causing the CPU to be tapped out.
The stuttering is likely the CPU capping at 100% however it really shouldn't freeze. Check CPU/GPU temps while gaming (HWmonitor). And no it's not the monitor causing these issues. If it turns out that the CPU & GPU aren't overheating and the CPU is running at 100% then you'll want to manually adjust the settings a little bit lower then what the Nvidia Geforce Experience says is "optimal" and see if that helps.
The stuttering is likely the CPU capping at 100% however it really shouldn't freeze. Check CPU/GPU temps while gaming (HWmonitor). And no it's not the monitor causing these issues. If it turns out that the CPU & GPU aren't overheating and the CPU is running at 100% then you'll want to manually adjust the settings a little bit lower then what the Nvidia Geforce Experience says is "optimal" and see if that helps.