4670k -> 4970k (for video editing)


Jan 9, 2015
my main focus is video editing, I currently have a 4670k @ 4.2Ghz, I'm looking for faster response/rendering times, anyone know if it will be a large improvement/worth the upgrade to a 4790k with the hyper threading or should i save money and go for an x99 chipset and go for a 6 core? main program I'm using is Premiere Pro... Mainly editing 2.7k/4k video..

Yes hyperthreading will help tremendously in editing. The extra l3 cache will too. The 4790k's stock turbo speed is 4.4ghz so you'd gain there as well. I say it would be a worthwhile investment if you can sell your i5 for a decent price and end up only paying an extra $120 or so.

I don't think that getting an i7 4790K will really improve your perfs, already your CPU is OC'eed, I think that you will see your perfs improved by ~ 10/15 percents only, I would suggest you keeping your money for an i7 5820K, which you can OC at ~ 4.4-4.5 Ghz, unless that on Premiere Pro there is no great difference between theses two CPUs :


Thanks, I was thinking the same, i guess the question really is does hyper threading make that huge of a different in editing, cause that the only real difference between the cpu's give or take a couple hundred Mhz defending on how good of a chip it is.
Yes hyperthreading will help tremendously in editing. The extra l3 cache will too. The 4790k's stock turbo speed is 4.4ghz so you'd gain there as well. I say it would be a worthwhile investment if you can sell your i5 for a decent price and end up only paying an extra $120 or so.
If it wasn't for the fact that DDR4 was so expensive I would also suggest you get the 5820K with 6-Cores (12 Threads) as it's probably ~$40-60 of a difference between the 4790K and 5820K. I was going to suggest maybe a Ivy Bridge E 6-Core but you'd lose whatever improvement Haswell has over the older 2nd/3rd Gen i7s. My choice would be 4790K vs 5820K
that's a good suggestion! The x99 chip set is not the cheapest option right now, and ddr4 prices seem quite high too... I have also heard the 4790ks OC much better than the 4670k, I was only able to get 4.2 at 1.266vcore stable, with a Dark Rock Pro2 for cooling,

If i could get even 4.6 on a 4690k plus hyperthreading, just wanted to know if it really provided a significant boost to my 2.7k/4k video editing work... i guess for like 120-150$ difference it would be worth it regardless...

any suggestions where to sell a cpu? ebay? Im in Canada....
