4670k and 780 ti and 780 ti SLI question.

Pavel Pokidaylo

Jun 8, 2013
I thought I saw the card being bottlenecked in AC4 last night. I have a 4670k, It isn't overclocked because I have an old Asus heatsink+fan combo cooling it. I wanted to use the liquid cooler that came with my Alienware Aurora but didn't have the right mounting mechanisms. I'm going to get a good cooler and then I'll overclock the CPU. Anyway, I was playing AC4 last night and using FXAA instead of TXAAX2 gave me 60fps. Later, in other areas, I noticed I wasn't at 60fps and looked at the GPU usage and it was only like 80%. I've read that a 4670k shouldn't bottleneck any GPU but sometimes, at 1080p it can slightly bottleneck some of the fastest single GPUs. I've also read that at higher resolutions the GPU is doing more work so the CPU doesn't cause a bottleneck. When I turned up the AA to TXAAX4 my FPS dropped to about 44 sometimes but mostly stayed at around 50+. The GPU usage however, was constantly over 90%. I'm assuming this is similar to the higher resolutions causing the GPU to work harder and not be bottlenecked by the CPU (something like that).

I've been testing it on my other games today and there seems to be no bottleneck. So far I've tested Crysis 3 and FarCry 3. FarCry 3 runs flawlessly at maxed settings and 4XMSAA. Crysis 3 is a lot more taxing but if I turn down shadows I stay near 60fps with other settings maxed and 4XTXAA. The GPU usage is constantly over 90% also. I'm going to test some other games and see what I get.

Do you think the 4670k would bottleneck two of these badboys?
the 4670k is negligibly not as good as the 4770k, so it is one of the best gaming cpus available and won't bottleneck. If you are running SLI the GPU usage being low is most likely software in nature as SLI isn't perfect. Otherwise it is something with that specific game. I wouldn't worry about it as you are getting very playable FPS.

Pavel Pokidaylo

Jun 8, 2013
Thanks for replies. It seems to be just Assassins Creed 4 and it's not being bottlenecked tremendously. Lowest I've seen was like 77%. But that's only with FXAA, if I turn on a more taxing AA the GPU usage goes up to over 90%. I'm not running SLI yet, just wondering if the 4670k can handle two cards like this. My last CPU was an i7 920 and with one card it was fine but when I added the second for Crossifre I saw no improvement in performance at all.