4670K on 4.6Ghz at 1.3 Volt

P3D user

Nov 28, 2015
Hi guys,

I have a flight simulator system running Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D v3 and as for all Microsoft ESP related programs (Like FSX) CPU power is king. The more the better.

My system has had a stable OC at 4.2Ghz for almost one and a half year but I noticed my temperatures under load of the simulator were not even above 50 degrees.

I now have a test going on with the Intel 4670K on 4.6 Ghz and it goes up to 62 degrees on 1.3Volts . All software is running fine under this setting, but is going up to 1.3volts safe given the temperatures do not exceed 62 degrees?

Furthermore, the 5Ghz in the sim is looming, all depending on temperatures when the system is under normal use of course.
1.3V Is usually on the higher end for everyday use, but it is okay. As long as you have a decent cooling solution.

Also, on a side note, a family member of mine is soon to upgrade to an intel platform ( not sure if I5 or I7 ) But... the purpose of it is to build a flight simulator. P3D is one of his favourites along with DCS and FSX. How do they run on your chip?

Also a note on 5Ghz, that is really high for the I5 4670k and will most likely crash @1.3v
Hi Benab3,

It runs great on an I5 anything above 4Ghz. But when you get near places like Heathrow, San Francisco or New York you will need at least 4.6Ghz to maintain decent frame rates.
Hmm okay, thanks I will tell him that. Not sure how much he would want to OC his chip that much so he may get an I7.

About your chip, what type of cooling are you using? And did you actually get a stable 5GHz?
I am using a Noctua NH D14 and I have it stable running the simulator and virus scanner on 4.5Ghz

Doing a Intell stress test or Prime 95 has no use for me as I would normally not run that on daily use. So I decided on stressing the system in normal day to day activity's with software that I do use.
To test a new overclocks stability, you need to do a full stress test, usually for quite a while. Otherwise you may experience crashing.
One time or another, your chip will be run flat out, and it may crash if not fully stable.

I would recommend cinebench for initial testing, and things like 3D-Mark, Furmark and AIDA 64. I would NOT use PRIME95, in some cases it has been described as dangerous for Devil's Canyon chips, such as yours and mine!