4690k at 4.5ghz temps.


Jan 26, 2015
Hi. I'm running my 4690k overclocked at 4.5ghz with 1.275 V and a Corsair H80i GT cooler. In Prime95 I'm getting a max temp of about 70 degrees after a few minutes. Does that sound right for this setup? I seem to recall on a earlier run of Prime95 getting lower temps, I'm just wondering If I may have changed a setting somewhere that could affect this.
Prime 95 26.6. The overclock was set for me by the store I brought my system from I have discovered. I'm trying to work out how they applied the overclock. I installed the OS myself so I think the OC must of been done in AI Tweaker in the bios. So far it looks like just the ratio has been changed to 45.. AI Tweaker seem's to have the voltage showing lower but when I installed AI Suite the voltage was set at 1.275. All hardware monitors read the voltage set in AI suite by the looks of it. Has AI Suite just set it at 1.275 as a default?
It sounds like whoever did the overclock didn't make much of an effort. They just set the voltage to 1.275V because they knew the overclock would probably be stable. They may have even just changed the CPU multiplier and left the voltage on auto, which is lazy to say the least. What they should have done is test the overclock and lowered the voltage in-between tests. That way, you get a stable overclock whilst keeping the temperature as low as possible.

If you're running the Prime95 Small FFTs test and get temperatures of 70C after ten minutes, then you can just leave the overclock alone and be done with it. Personally, I'd advise that you learn the ropes so you can tweak the overclock and diagnose any problems that may arise.

CPU overclocking should always be done in the BIOS.
Yes, I think they may have just changed the multiplier and not the voltage. I will get round to OC'ing in the bios soon, I was just trying to workout why AI Suite had the voltage set to 1.275V. I don't think the shop set that voltage as in the bios I can't find 1.275V anywhere, unless I'm looking in the wrong place.. I lowered the voltage to 1.200 in AI Suite and that has calmed things down. 49degrees package, 46 cores with FPS game and around 60degrees in Prime95 although I have to check on the latter again. This is at 4.5ghz btw.

Next thing to workout is what Adapative voltage is..

and why my fans aren't being monitored correctly by HWmonitor and Corsair link. :fou:

The voltage is probably set to auto and AI Suite is simply reading 1.275V as the current voltage.

Adaptive Voltage is simply a way for the CPU to adjust the voltage based on the workload. Personally, I disable features that dynamically adjust voltage and clock speed as they interfere with the overclock. I believe that you overclock because you want a performance boost and you aren't that concerned about efficiency.

Unless electricity is very expensive in your country, you won't see a huge spike in your bill.
I've had a look and it seems a manual voltage can't be set in the bios until i change a overclocking feature pin on the motherboard. Seems odd that AI Suite can change the voltage without this enabled. AI suite is definitely changing the voltage. Been running Small FTTs for 10 min and not budging from 65degrees at 1.200V 4.5ghz. Is 1.200V still too high?