4690K or 4790K


Nov 23, 2014
Hi there,

I know there's already topics about those 2 CPU.

The reason I'm asking about this though is the future games factor.
Hyperthreading isn't supported by many games nowadays, telling me to buy the 4690K.
But what about games that are coming up? Will there be many games actually benefitting from the 4790K? I'm planning on streaming and recording the games I play. Shadowplay has proven that it's the best program I've used for those purposes up until now.
Will streaming and recording have a big impact on my PC's overall performance if I'd buy the 4690K instead of the 4790K?
I'm not editing videos atm. But that may change. The multimedia stuff attracts me more and more and I'm almost certain that in maybe a year or so I'll be doing at least some work there.
Would that mean I should rather get the 4790K over the 4690K or will it be a waste of money since I'm only gonna be editing videos occasionally and not professionally?

Thank you in advance!

Since you haven't purchased either one yet, either one is on the table....but where you are compared to your budget will affect the decision.

Here's a thought process a user here recently went thru

Original idea ...... 4790k + 980 = $890
Alternate idea ..... 4690k + (2) x 970 = $870

In that case, the 970s would be an easy choice for a gamer. However, right now you will have an extra Witcher 3 gaming coupon which ya can sell to a buddy at a $10 discount for $50 dropping the price to $820..... at that point it's $70 cheaper to go 50% faster in gaming.... however, with the $110 difference between the 4690k and 4790k being only $40 away from the original $890 target, one might be tempted to do the 4790k + (2) 970s.
Between those two I would go with the i7, if money is not a problem. Dont forget that you also need a motherboard. And if you live close to a microcenter store (check at www.microcenter.com), you can get excelent prices for CPU+board http://www.microcenter.com/site/brands/intel-processor-bundles.aspx

If money is a concern and you don't leave close to a microcenter store, you might also consider buying an E3 1231 or 1241, they have similar performance of and i7.

The i7 and the E3 are the best option because they have 8 threads, so they will handle better multitasking, and will have bigger longevity, because right now we are seems some games demanding 4 cores to play it, so in two or 3 years we might start seeing games demanding more then 4 cores, and if that happens an i5 will not be able to run them.

Title and post stalk about getting a 4690k or 4790k instead

Will streaming and recording have a big impact on my PC's overall performance if I'd buy the 4690K instead of the 4790K?

I was not suggesting buying a GPU. I both posts I was talking about the thought process in making a judgement based upon where you budget is. As I said in first post, if you have the money to spend for just a CPU, then as the budget allows both, buy the 4790k.

You didn't mention a budget, or if you would be overclocking, amd what else would be purchased besides a motherboard, all of which would have affected my answer......

- I MoBo budget was under $500, then the 4690k + MSI Gaming 5

-If not overclocking, then the 4790k is 0.4 Ghz faster.

I gave ya the second example to show how spending more for one thing might mean downgrading for another thing..... i.e in the GFX example.... dropping to a 4690k allows you to increase speed by 50% as it allows the purchase of (2) 970s.....substitute SSD / HD or anything else and the thought process is the same.