4770k + Noctua NH D14 fan speeds...slow


May 31, 2010

I've just put together my PC and my fan speed is incredibly low.

Is there any way for me to control my D14 fans? I am idling at 40~, which seems to be way too high!

It figures.. lol

There are big brown stickers wrapped around the wires saying "U.L.N.A. Adapter". If you...
You probably put too much thermal paste. Try reseating the heatsink.
And there is, depends on motherboard if you can contorol it in BIOs...and also where you connected them. And SpeedFan allows you to control fans RPM.
ASUS Maximus VI Hero.

I am not really sure where I plugged it in. I used the connectors that came with the fan and put them in the slots labelled CPU_OPT and CPU_FAN.

Really a shame if I have to reseat! That took me so long, lol.
If the board does things properly 40 C is a fine idle temp... anyone who cares about idle temps doesn't understand how little they mean. Load the thing up and see what happens. No reason to worry until you know load temps your board may just keep fans nearly at minimum temp until 40c. that processor can hit 100C and not hurt itself.
Seriously? It does matter if he is not overclocking and did not change his load line calibration and voltage. 40*C on idle from nothing is a big deal, that means under load it would hit ~80*C

With that motherboard, you get Asus Suite which comes with thermal radar. And that allows you to change fan profiles in Windows. But 40*C really seems like a big deal if running stock settings.
I hope you used the grain of rice method with the TIM and didn't smear it all over. (Unless using Tuniq)

Edit: And just because a CPU can reach 104*C, doesn't mean you should allow it to go that high, it will cause stability issues and other problems as well as possible degrading.
With that CPU I'd keep it ~80*C highest, and not get into the 90's.
I tried to run Speedfan and it just straight up gave me what I think is the 8.1 blue screen, complete with a smiley face. Changed to Turbo and for some reason my USB devices did not work right on startup, which was odd.
We also need to know what the ambient temperature in the room is as well. For example if the room is 35degC, then 40 is really good. But if it is 20, then 40 at idle is a problem and indicates something is wrong; case airflow, paste application, or sensor errors.
Isn't updating my BIOS somewhat risky? I don't have anything to test the temperature, but I do not think it is that warm. There is snow outside.

Also.. I can't seem to find Thermal Radar. It wasn't on my motherboard disk and for some reason I can't find a download link.

Maybe a tiny bit but much less so if you do it from the bios, and not while in windows.

There is risk in just opening up the case..
Read the release notes for the updates. If it addresses a problem that you are experiencing, then it is well worth the effort.
Yes, there is a small risk, but I have never personally known anyone who has ever experienced a problem.
Are both fans on the radiator directing air from the front of the case, directly towards the rear case exhaust fan?
All three fans need to be moving air in the same direction and almost exactly in line. Check to make sure that one or more of them is pushing air in the wrong direction.
I am not exactly sure how to check that. It goes:

Fan on the case > fan on DH-14 > radiator thing on DH14 (?) -> fan -> radiator thing.

I did mess with the fan configuration to get everything to fit. Could I have put the fans backwards? How do I figure that out? lol.
I don't see any notification on them.

This isn't my rig, but they look like this: http://img.techpowerup.org/091205/IMG_0118.jpg

One thing I notice that's different, is in this picture the latches that latch onto the radiator are latched onto the left side. Mine are latched onto the right side.

I don't see how I could put the other fan on wrong, as there's no way to change what side the latches are on (I think), so i would have to attach it that way.

I'm not even sure what model that one is, just the only picture I found that is what mine looks like.

I also did some googling and I think I used the wrong fan connectors, but I do not entirely understand which fan connectors I should have used. I used the ones that came attached to the fans.
If you used the LNA (low noise adapter) or the ULNA (ultra low noise adapter) then that will slow the fans down. Take them off if you used them.
Plug each fan into the CPU fan and CPU_OPT fan headers on the motherboard. Don't worry about the 'Y' splitter.

On my NH-U12P SE2, the fans have a embossed arrows (raised images the same colour) on one side that indicate blade spin and air flow directions. It is extremely important that they are all pushing air in the same direction. Including the case exhaust fan at the rear of the case.

The D14 is arguably one of the best air coolers on the market, and at idle, should keep your CPU almost the same temperature as the inside of the case.
Thanks. I will check it out later. Both sides I can see do not have a raised arrow anywhere, so they must be on the side that is facing the MoBo.

I really have no idea which connector I used. I can't check now as I'm in the middle of a transfer. I used the two connectors that were attached to the fans. I think they were white and had three connectors on each so that there was one pin not connected and I put them on CPU OPT and CPU FAN. I did not attach anything to them. It would seem really stupid for the default ones to be the LNA/ULNA connector. Have any pictures of what the ones I should have connected look like?