4770k or 4790k? plus z87 or z97?

I3lood Eagle

Oct 1, 2013
I'm not familiar with the perks of intel chips cause I usually go AMD, but here recently I decided to make the best gaming build possible. I'm getting a Corsair air 540(or CM HAF XB evo) I just got 2 new VaporX R9 290s, and I just wanna know what's gonna be the best for the CFX setup and I'm just a little bit lost on the Intel side. I need some help thanks in advance.
the z97 is newer and accepts more CPU's/newer so i think that should be a no brainer
as for the CPU's the performance itself is not extended by much except that you are more likely to get more performance out of a 4790k because of the improved thermal performance

if there is a big difference in price between both the CPU's buy the 4770k and a z97 MOBO
Z97 is newer than Z87 with a few more features, with only a little extra cost. So grab a Z97.

The 4790k and 4770k are very similar. However, the 4790k has better thermal performance, overclocks further, is newer, and has a higher clock speed at stock.

So the 4790k and Z97 would be your best bet.
the z97 is newer and accepts more CPU's/newer so i think that should be a no brainer
as for the CPU's the performance itself is not extended by much except that you are more likely to get more performance out of a 4790k because of the improved thermal performance

if there is a big difference in price between both the CPU's buy the 4770k and a z97 MOBO
OK so what would a good Z97 board be... keep in mind I love ASUS forever, and I'm going to be using the CFX R9 290s... Also any help with opinions on the cases would be helpful as well(not mandatory though).

what's your budget for both

I would highly recommend any of the Z97 MSI Mpower boards. They have different versions of the board such as the regular Mpower, the Mpower MAX, etc. I personally own the regular Z87 MSI Mpower and have been nothing but pleased with it and its performance. I have also used the board in 3 other computers and each of them have been rock solid. I also see that the Z97 Mpower is only around $189 at the moment. That is still $20 less than what I paid for my Z87 version. If any of the boards happen to have a rebate, take that into consideration as well. I have done rebates with MSI and they have been extremely easy to complete and I only waited around 2.5 - 3 week to receive the rebates.


You could also go with one of their gaming boards such as the "gaming" versions or the "G" versions. At the moment the Z97 Gaming 7 has a $33 savings when bundled with the 4790k so this could be right up your alley while the offer still stands!

