I am building a rig that I wont be overclocking (thats what I think after 5 years of overclocking with Core2 then Q6600). Issue was more of headache when video encoding for 12 hrs and finding a crash.
So...decided to go with 4770 and Z87 (price was within $20....so ehh) and 32GB RAM. 4770K lacks something called TSX which I have no clue about exept that I may need it if video software gets to use TSX. Since overclocking is out, I went with 4770.
Just saw that 4771 is available. What the......
Seems only 100mHz difference but Asking is I should go with 4770 or 4771? Is 4771 replacing 4770? If so, then what the hell with only 100mHz difference???
So...decided to go with 4770 and Z87 (price was within $20....so ehh) and 32GB RAM. 4770K lacks something called TSX which I have no clue about exept that I may need it if video software gets to use TSX. Since overclocking is out, I went with 4770.
Just saw that 4771 is available. What the......
Seems only 100mHz difference but Asking is I should go with 4770 or 4771? Is 4771 replacing 4770? If so, then what the hell with only 100mHz difference???