4790k cpu overclock


Apr 27, 2016
Im doing userbenchmark and im not getting consistent score this is not normal right?

varies from 90% to 112% score, before it varied from 105% to 112%
overclock is 4.7ghz at 1.3v
something is really going on here I can see my bus speed going down to 5mhz at some points from default 100mhz

Not to be a nub but could you please explain to me what a "boost clock" is because I have a 4790k, is this somthing I need to enable?

it's most of the time enabled by default 😉


Wouldn't it tell me my CPU clock is 4.4 ghz then? Cause when im in bios its 4.0 ghz.


it doesn't boost in bios 😉 download cpu-z in windows and open a game or something and u should have 4.4ghz