4790k overclock volts


I believe Asus recommends 1.35v max for 24/7.
It's a little high. The temp is excellent.

Personally I'd back off 100-200MHz and get the voltage down a little bit, comfortably under 1.4v, to make sure you don't hurt the chip's lifespan. I'm probably a little overcautious though.

it wont be for 24/7 use. thanx . I coulnd,t get it stable for any length of time without that voltage. do you have any suggestions or adjustments I coud use? also I posted earlier about 780ti cassy's .
check out that link.

my specs are in my signature so you can see all parts of my new build..


thanx. my temps are GREAT but this chip need a powerplant to move it past 4.8ghz. I had it stable for a while at 1.48v.OMG... temps were under 75c...

I haven't touched my own 4790K yet, but this guide will give you some pointers on which voltages to adjust aside from VCore: http://www.overclock.net/t/1411077/haswell-overclocking-guide-with-statistics

that for the 4770k. they don't list the 4790k
It'd be amazing if you were somehow getting those temps at that voltage while using Prime, and yes, that voltage is high, too high for long term usage. Are you overclocking at 1:1 or near it with the cpu ratio and cache ratio? If you back off that cache ratio, you might be able to stabilize the chip a little bit easier at a lower voltage.

my temps are great!!! I cant get it stable without a ton of volts. I will try 1.37187 for 4.7ghz. I lowered cpu cache ratio to 38x..dh-15 noctua is a beast!!!! I am in prime 95 as I am tying to you rite now at these specs max tenp+ 55c VRM=46c MOBO=28c
C:\Users\Jerry\Pictures\Screenshots\1.37187 4.7ghz.jpg