4790k Prime95 26.6 Temps Seem High


Nov 28, 2010
Hello all,

I have a modest OC of 4.5ghz on my 4790K and the voltage set to 1.221v. The ram is also OC'd to 2400mhz (because it's PC2400 ram). I also have a Corsair H100i cooler in a push/pull configuration with SP120 corsair fans.

I just started doing an overnight prime95 test to see how the temps are, but I think I might stop it before I go to bed. I'm getting an average in the 80s for all cores using Core Temp...that seems pretty high for the "easier" Prime95 26.6 version. It's the small FFT test...but I was hoping for 70s or lower.

Any ideas? Is my cooler not working right? I have a brand new Corsair 760T case with plenty of fans so airflow can't be the issue. I'm kind of stumped because x264 tests were giving me mid 70s the whole way through, so prime is starting to scare me a bit.

Tomorrow I can attempt to re-seat the cooler in hopes that I just didn't have the right amount of paste or something, but this does appear high...

Any suggestions appreciated.
For you too get a good comparison, i have same case, mb, cpu, cooler and config with same fans. I run 4.7GHz @ 1.24V and hit a max of 72 in prime. IETU barelly touches 60. if your wondering if the cooler is thight enought, press on it while the test is running and see if your temps get lower a bit. Other than that a re-seat would be the next thing to try

EDIT: I forgot to mention, i dont have the same ram speed as you tho, i run 1866

Isn't that one of the stress tests that uses AVX and should be avoided for haswell?
Ambient is only like 20-22c. I'm starting to wonder if my h100i isn't tight enough to the cpu... The backplate does jiggle a little and last night I tried pressing down on it a little during prime test and it shifted a little... Leads me to believe I should try to get some o-rings and try to tighten down the block more... But yes xtu test was only in the 60s
For you too get a good comparison, i have same case, mb, cpu, cooler and config with same fans. I run 4.7GHz @ 1.24V and hit a max of 72 in prime. IETU barelly touches 60. if your wondering if the cooler is thight enought, press on it while the test is running and see if your temps get lower a bit. Other than that a re-seat would be the next thing to try

EDIT: I forgot to mention, i dont have the same ram speed as you tho, i run 1866
well just fixed it! So proud of myself! lol

I saw somewhere that people with issues on their h100i being loose they would take some little o-rings and place them on the pegs of the backplate to take up the slack. Well I ran over to home depot after work and grabbed some tiny o-rings. I proceeded to place them on the pegs and tighten everything down snug, but not over tighten as to not damage the mobo. I reapplied thermal paste, but instead of arctic silver 5 this time I used MX-4. Pea size...squeezed it down...tightened down the bolts.

Well just booted up and ran some tests. XTU was getting in the 40s, x264 was getting 50s and Prime95 26.6 is getting high 50s. I'm going from 80s in Prime to high 50s!

I'm so happy right now...word of note to anyone with the h100i...it's a great cooler...but make sure it's snug!