4790k vs 6600k?


Jan 29, 2016
I'm planning to upgrade right now and getting a 4790k problem is I heard that some games now require above 8gb? not sure if this is true because if it's true then I'll get an i5 6600k + a 16gb ram or if it's NOT true then I'll get a used 4790k ($220) and stick with my 8gb ddr3 ram

can you help me decide guys? my current GPU is rx 480

Thank you so much for the answer, it's just that i'm not so sure if I should upgrade my ram to 16gb because ddr3 is now on it's end and making it 16gb will not make it future proof until 2018-2019. I know that future proofing is a myth but I just wanted to make sure that my pc will last up until 2018 or 2019
i7-4790 and 16 GB RAM should be just fine for the next couple of years. It will be a long while before games/applications need more than 4C, 8T (and strong ones, at that!)

If you're running close to your current 8 GB currently (I occasionally go over 50% of my 16), then by all means, add another 8.

So I should stick with my 8gb ram right now to save and get maybe a used 4790 (non-k) to reduce bottleneck on some games and that is $215.00 here on my country (PH) and then ignore the skylake hype and then upgrade once the PCIE 4.0 has been released(will also buy 16gb ddr4 ram)

Is this a good idea or no?
The i7 4790 is more than enough for the years to come, the i7 4790k is a bit faster but probably not noticeable while gaming.

I run an i7 4790 with a gtx 1070 and my i7 has no issues powering the gtx 1070, so it will have no problems with the rx480.

If you have a 1150 mobo then get the i7 4790 for cheap. It's a beast!

And the moment an i7 4790 will not be enough an i5 6600k wont be either.

Do you think I should get gtx 1070 + non-k 4790? for 1080p 60hz
I know it's overkill but I just wanted to make sure my GPU will last until the 2018 because GPU's by 2018 or 2019 will require PCI 4.0 (wanted to upgrade once the PCIE 4.0 GPU released)
It's just that I'm not sure if rx 480 will last at 1080p

What can you suggest since you also have gtx 1070?
Well the rx 480 is fine for 1080p but a gtx 1070 is a good amount better, in combo with the i7 4790 it destroys games at 1080p 60fps, the games I played: Doom, fc primal, battlefield 4, battlefield 1 demo, star wars Battlefront, witcher 3. All games on ultra settings 60fps easily, it will go higher but I play with vsync on.

I would say if you can afford the gtx 1070 l, get it! It will last you 2/3 years easily. Same for the i7 4790. :)

So this means get the gtx 1070 instead of rx-480 (I was hoping for rx 490 but I can't wait anymore) and then upgrade once volta/navi has been released
I know 1070 will last up until the next gen but I'm not so sure about the CPU
Good thing consoles are there (Thanks to them) because they are the number 1 reason why CPU/GPU requirements of most of the games out there are not that high

Not sure about the cpu? you realise the i7 4790 is still one of the better cpus for gaming :)