Wait a minute harrypot your going i7 right? as in LGA 1136? So you will have pre enabled crossfire?
Then go HD 5770. Nuff said.
First of all, reviews are very unstables. Sometimes it beats HD4870, sometimes its same level, and sometimes it beats HD4890.
I say this is a driver problem and WILL be fixed soon. It should beat a HD4870 and be a little less better then a HD 4890.
Now You HAVE the BEST crossfire in the world. LGA 1366. you SHOULD use it.
I mean check this out man:
Scales at 100%. Never saw that in my whole life.
It beats a HD 5850 AND a HD 5870.
Once again, near 100% scale. It goes head to head against a HD5850 CROSSFIRE and a HD5870 CROSSFIRE AGAIN.
Now to show you crysis for example :
At a low resolution, it still playable. If you crossfire, it becomes same as if you got a HD5850.
I think it's enough said. Everything seems driver related. Future Catalyst centers will probably boost this card's performance good enough.
You can buy one now at 150$ it will be good enough, and wait for holidays to get another one at 100~$ and you will have a very good build, the most scalable build I ever saw in my life.
Now all the FPS are pure theoretical. First of all, you will NOT use MSAA 2x, thus winning ~5to10 fps.
You WILL overclock this baby thus winning 3 FPS exactly
you WILL overclock your CPU thus winning 5 FPS exactly (recent benchmark on toms)
There WILL be driver updates, thus wining ~3 FPS once again.
Tadam, Crysis is fully playable at 1280x1024 and very playable at 1600x1200.
To explain the scalability of this GPU is simple. A GPU needs nothing more then 256.
HD5850 and 5870 are already 256. When you crossfire, you are now with 512bit bandwidth. it's a total waste, and can cause lose in scales. That is why they both scale at around 70%.
This baby right here is 128bit, 256 if you crossfire. it's PERFECT. it will PERFECTLY scale, thus reaching near 100% scalability.
All the rest is pure driver related. And the software was tested on Vista. You win 3~ fps going windows 7 (benchmark). And you are safe for future games because DX11 makes hardware work better, thus giving a better gameplay. So your card will be "upgrading" instead of decreasing performance in the next year.
Go HD5770. You wanted a HD4870? this gives you the same power but you have DX11 and EyeInfinity. And the scales are awesome. You will be able ANYTIME to overperform HD5850 and HD5870.
Nuff said? ;D