4970k Watercooled still hitting 95-110 on two cores


May 19, 2015
Just built my first computer specs :
Intel 4970k
Cooler master 240m water cooled
ASUS z97 pro WiFi
16 GB g-skills ram
corsair carbide 330r blackout

The question i ask, is that using open hardware monitor i have two of my cores hitting 95-110 degrees is this normal? All my other cores are sitting at 33-36. This is cpu is not over clocked yet.

Any help would be appreciate it.
It's not the cooler or the entire processor would overheat. My best guess is that the processor is defective. I would recommend using a software Msi afterburner to ensure that those Temps are correct and not a miscalculation by the open hardware monitor. I Would Also recommend Updating Bios if you have not already done so.
It's not the cooler or the entire processor would overheat. My best guess is that the processor is defective. I would recommend using a software Msi afterburner to ensure that those Temps are correct and not a miscalculation by the open hardware monitor. I Would Also recommend Updating Bios if you have not already done so.
The fact its 2 of the cores only suggest the cooler is not mounted properly. Could be its not locked down correctly or its not square on the cpu or some badly applied thermal paste. I would remove the cooler, clean bothe the cooler and CPU and reapply thermal paste and the cooler