4GB GTX 970 good for a budget build?

May 18, 2018

I'm currently building a new budget PC, and want to move from the slow GTX 750 Ti. A PC Parts store near me have some 4GB GTX 970's for £50 and I wanted to know if that's a good deal or if there is better cards for better prices?

Well I doubt you will find one any cheaper especially having been shown it working.

By any chance are they based near North Kent, I would be seriously tempted to get one myself at that price and having seen it work.

It's a local part/repair centre. I've bought RAM and a mobo from them and they were fine, and they offered to show me the card working in a system

Sorry, I live in a coastal town 5 mile off Sunderland, so the opposite end of England. But thanks!

Was thinking of buying 2 and using an SLI bridge I've had laying around for a while but stupidly I picked up my mobo without checking SLI compatibility. Only have a single PCI-E 3.0, 2 PCI-E 2.0 and 3 PCI ports