4K Monitor!! But what cable?


Yes, Acer.
It has two port types. DVI and HDMI. It appears to come with cables for both.

(And lay off the "s*** " language. Unneeded.)

60hz says something about a Display port Idk. Dvi doesnt give the full 60hz or some sh*t !!! I dont know *facepalm*
Is there anyone who is more skilled and knowledgeable?
Someones comment on the monitor ======="For the price you are getting a really good monitor. However getting the best from this monitor will depend on your graphics card and connection to the monitor. The connection cables provided don't suit the xfx 7850 for full resolution 3840 x 2160hz @60hz. The hdmi and dvi provided will only give you 3840 x 2160 @30hz and the display cable does not fit. I have ordered a mini display port to display port to try and sort this issue out as 3840 x 2160 @30hz for gaming really does not cut it. If you are going to purchase this monitor or any other 4k monitor make sure you do your home work and have the connection cables you need ready and waiting."

Yes, Acer.
It has two port types. DVI and HDMI. It appears to come with cables for both.

(And lay off the "s*** " language. Unneeded.)