4K OLED TV or 4K IPS monitor


Aug 5, 2015
Hi everyone

I'm having difficulties choosing whether to buy a LG OLED tv or a decent monitor to game on.
I have a high-end PC, a PS4 Pro and a Nintendo Switch, and would like to connect them all to my new display.

Advantages/Disadvantages of LG OLED:
+ screen quality is top notch
- Price (over 2000 € at the moment)
- Input lag 21 ms

Advantages/Disadvantages of High-end monitor:
+ G-sync
+ very low input lag
- No HDR at the moment

I really can't decide if I should go for a decent IPS monitor with G-sync and very low input lag or pay 1000 € more and get myself a OLED tv that the whole family can enjoy. I've heard great things about OLED and how it is unmatched in image quality.
I'm also not sure whether the difference in input lag will play a part because I'm no competitive gamer.

Any help?

If you are planning to use the monitor for pure gaming, you should pay real attention to input lag and refresh rate. Try to get as highest refresh rate, you can get e.g. 144Hz.
If you plan to use the monitor as a mixed bag (not only gaming), you still have to pay attention to input lag but you can live with 60Hz. Even on 60Hz monitors, the input lag is different from monitor to monitor.
If you plan to use the monitor not for gaming at all, you can ignore input lag and refresh rate.

TVs have extremely high input lag. I would not recommend TVs for monitor replacement.
Input lag for PS4 and Nintendo Switch is not really matters, most the games run on 30fps anyway, but for PC gaming, it does matter.
Your eyes can really tell the difference...
umm the monitor is probably worth it
remember because the tv is so large that it's gonna stretch the pixels and the input lag is massive which could lead to screen tearing and other issues

the g-sync is great to have and the low in put lag will prevent some of the common issues with large input lag

And what about HDR? Is it worth it?
Sounds like the next big thing for monitors/televisions.

If you are planning to use the monitor for pure gaming, you should pay real attention to input lag and refresh rate. Try to get as highest refresh rate, you can get e.g. 144Hz.
If you plan to use the monitor as a mixed bag (not only gaming), you still have to pay attention to input lag but you can live with 60Hz. Even on 60Hz monitors, the input lag is different from monitor to monitor.
If you plan to use the monitor not for gaming at all, you can ignore input lag and refresh rate.

TVs have extremely high input lag. I would not recommend TVs for monitor replacement.
Input lag for PS4 and Nintendo Switch is not really matters, most the games run on 30fps anyway, but for PC gaming, it does matter.
Your eyes can really tell the difference on having low/high input lag, including if you have low or high fps.

For €1000, I would be looking at those 27" 1440p 144/165Hz IPS displays with or without GSync.
These monitors have excellent picture reproduction and relatively low input lag. The only downside is that you might be RMAing the monitors several times to get a fully problem free one. It is worth the risk.
I am playing on XB270HU since about 2 years now and I ain't going back.

Now about HDR.
HDR is not yet a must for now.
There are many HDR standards and they are not yet really compatible to one another. (source and display). e.g. HDR10, Dolby Vision, etc.
HDR is something I want but just not yet for now.
Give it time to mature.
I think, I will be buying new monitors and TVs in the next 5 years with HDR.