[SOLVED] 50% usage gpu


Dec 30, 2018
I have gtx 1070 8gb and i 5 7500. In game my components usage are on 40 to 60% and fps is dropping. From 180 to 100. Im using 144hz monitor .please help
Noticeably better but you will need to change your motherboard so it is not worth it as you can get a very near performance with a i7 for your motherboard, like the 6700k or 7700k (if your motherboard allows overclocking, you can probably outperform the 8400). I have a 6700k at stock speeds because my MotherBoard has the B150 chipset and doesn't allow me to overclock, and it's a perfect match for my 1070 (in the most stressful scenarios in Battlefield 1 the CPU can reach the 100% usage but the GPU usage is still 98-100% so the bottleneck is almost zero).
Noticeably better but you will need to change your motherboard so it is not worth it as you can get a very near performance with a i7 for your motherboard, like the 6700k or 7700k (if your motherboard allows overclocking, you can probably outperform the 8400). I have a 6700k at stock speeds because my MotherBoard has the B150 chipset and doesn't allow me to overclock, and it's a perfect match for my 1070 (in the most stressful scenarios in Battlefield 1 the CPU can reach the 100% usage but the GPU usage is still 98-100% so the bottleneck is almost zero).