$500-$600 budget for upgrading my current pc for BF4


Feb 11, 2010
currently I have an i7 990 1366 lga cpu, and gtx 560
Now I MUST get a new motherboard because only one of my Dimm slots is working and I'm only able to pick up 4gb out of my 12gb of Ram. Now I'm stuck between either getting a new cpu (I'm looking at the new 8 core fx-8350's) with my motherboard or just keeping my old one... I'm leaning towards getting a new one.
Another issue I have is choosing a graphics card that will be able to run Battlefield 4 on ultra settings. Ps not sure if this is true but someone told me to get amd cpu and graphics card because it will run a lot smoother since it doesn't use openCL. If not, I do not really have a preference between nvidia and AMD. Although I would prefer a cheaper pricetag on graphics I don't want performance to suffer. Thanks in advance everyone.
Those components are still pretty recent, you'd still get some serious cash for selling your i7 990.

That sucks though- you're in a tough spot. Your CPU doesn't really need upgraded- but a new 1366 board replacement would cost you pretty severely and probably not worth it.

I can't think of any single reason to recommend an AMD card to you today, openCL or no openCL. Assuming you'll allocate around $300-$350 of your budget to a new mobo+cpu, I'd recommend a GTX 760 card.
Those components are still pretty recent, you'd still get some serious cash for selling your i7 990.

That sucks though- you're in a tough spot. Your CPU doesn't really need upgraded- but a new 1366 board replacement would cost you pretty severely and probably not worth it.

I can't think of any single reason to recommend an AMD card to you today, openCL or no openCL. Assuming you'll allocate around $300-$350 of your budget to a new mobo+cpu, I'd recommend a GTX 760 card.
First, need to clarify some of that...

OpenCL (open computing library) is for writing massively parrallel programs, and is *not* used in games. AMD cards are known for good OpenCL performance.

as far as games, OpenCL doesn't matter at all. Ignore it.

OpenGL (open graphics library), on the other hand, is used widely in games. It's an API for 2d and 3d graphics. It's the more open competition to Microsoft's DirectX. Both Nvidia and AMD cards support openGL.

That having been said, Nvidia cards are performing better than AMD in the battlefield 4 alpha at nearly all price points.

yeah that's a good point. I really don't know anything about opencl so I was just throwing that in there. I just looked up the cost of the motherboards that fit my cpu and they all will throw me way over my budget... Is there a noticeable difference when using a non amd card with amd cpu?

No I'm running windows 7 64 bit. Fairly recently I got new ram to see if that would fix my issue because I was running on 2gb of ram and I installed all 3x4gb sticks and only one is picked up... same situation with my old ram
I just checked and my mobo is a MSI X58 Pro-E

Naw, the graphics card and CPU don't know a thing about one another. They output processing resources for the other to pool from- but resources are resources, shared and faceless.

AMD does not have any technology in place that improves performance/resources when the CPU/GPU are both AMD made. And since Nvidia doesn't manufacture CPUs- they obviously don't either :)

A lot of folks on this board use AMD board/CPU with an nvidia GPU.

So an amd fx-8350 and mobo with some type of card within my budget
It's hard for me to tell you today that a GTX 760 will max BF4 on playable frames based on the BF4 alpha. They definitely have some work to do on optimization, because at this point a GTX Titan ($1000 card) isn't smoking the game at 60fps.

It'll improve as it nears release and I suspect that a GTX 760 will do max or near max settings, and it is by far the best solution within your budget.

yeah that looks like my best option atm. There is a fairly decent price difference between the 2gb verson of the gtx 760 and the 4gb version... I'm assuming a small performance difference.
A thing to note is that BF4 will be optimized for AMD. So the fx-8350 would be a good option. The next gen AMD cards are also releasing in October (I am thinking this was a plan between AMD and Dice). So it may be worth your while to wait around for next gen AMD cards to get an idea of what to buy.