Approximate Purchase Date: Anytime between now and Release of Battlefield 3 early beta access
Budget Range: 500-800
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Being able to play BattleField 3, League of legends and portal 2. A Small hard drive is fine 350gb is what i have now on my laptop and is alright but if theres bigger for cheaper than im all for it.
Parts Not Required: Mouse
Preferred Website(s) for Parts:
Country of Origin: Canada
Parts Preferences: Anything
Overclocking: Maybe
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe
Monitor Resolution: You know best
Additional Comments:
I would just like a machine and monitor for around 500-800 that i can play battlefield 3 and it wont be choppy or slow. Meaning i dont have to play it on ultra settings but i would like best performance i can get.
Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo @ 2.0GHzRAM2GB
Video Card: DirectX 10 or 11 compatible Nvidia or AMD ATI card
Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPURAM 4GB
Video Card: DirectX 11 Nvidia or AMD ATI card, GeForce GTX 460, Radeon Radeon HD 6850
Budget Range: 500-800
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Being able to play BattleField 3, League of legends and portal 2. A Small hard drive is fine 350gb is what i have now on my laptop and is alright but if theres bigger for cheaper than im all for it.
Parts Not Required: Mouse
Preferred Website(s) for Parts:
Country of Origin: Canada
Parts Preferences: Anything
Overclocking: Maybe
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe
Monitor Resolution: You know best
Additional Comments:
I would just like a machine and monitor for around 500-800 that i can play battlefield 3 and it wont be choppy or slow. Meaning i dont have to play it on ultra settings but i would like best performance i can get.
Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo @ 2.0GHzRAM2GB
Video Card: DirectX 10 or 11 compatible Nvidia or AMD ATI card
Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPURAM 4GB
Video Card: DirectX 11 Nvidia or AMD ATI card, GeForce GTX 460, Radeon Radeon HD 6850