Hello! I am planning on building a gaming computer fit to run games like Skyrim, Borderlands 2, Battlefield 3, Call of Duty 4, and Fallout on High Settings.
I already own a copy of Windows XP Pro 32 (Great OS but limits me to 4 GB RAM), 21" Monitor, and a Keyboard & Mouse.
Extra Info:
Approximate Purchase Date: This Week
Budget Range: $500 including Shipping
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Newegg but if something is a lot cheaper somewhere else, I'm all for it.
Location: Mid-Michigan, United States
Parts Preferences: N/A
Overclocking: If necessary
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe
Your Monitor Resolution: 1600x1200
Additional Comments: I just want the best I can possibly get for my price range.
Why Are You Upgrading: I'm sick of console gaming and desperately need a new PC.
I already own a copy of Windows XP Pro 32 (Great OS but limits me to 4 GB RAM), 21" Monitor, and a Keyboard & Mouse.
Extra Info:
Approximate Purchase Date: This Week
Budget Range: $500 including Shipping
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Newegg but if something is a lot cheaper somewhere else, I'm all for it.
Location: Mid-Michigan, United States
Parts Preferences: N/A
Overclocking: If necessary
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe
Your Monitor Resolution: 1600x1200
Additional Comments: I just want the best I can possibly get for my price range.
Why Are You Upgrading: I'm sick of console gaming and desperately need a new PC.