500 Fps Minecraft?


May 8, 2016
I'm trying to get a good cumputer but that can run minecraft at 500 Fps minimum my budget is 1500$ I need 500Fps for running a bunch of mods with shaders on too if anyone is wondering why plz leave any good of specs if anyone knows Thank You All.<3
not 500fps you cant see but i see you want headroom for mods and shaders so get a gtx 960 4gb and a i5 6400 or 6500 or for amd a fx 8320 all these will give 500 fps and for that gpu it will run all but one shaderpack i can think of at max settings
however for 1500$ a 5820k or 6800k will be even better and max out anything paired with a gtx 1070 or 1080
not 500fps you cant see but i see you want headroom for mods and shaders so get a gtx 960 4gb and a i5 6400 or 6500 or for amd a fx 8320 all these will give 500 fps and for that gpu it will run all but one shaderpack i can think of at max settings
however for 1500$ a 5820k or 6800k will be even better and max out anything paired with a gtx 1070 or 1080

no i know for a fact optifine supports multi core i have used it
in options you can use multi core chunk loading

you can go with a i5 its really the best for anything on minecraft if not get a fx 8320 the 8 cores with optifine will help you a lot