500W PSU Enough for my planned upgrade?


Oct 31, 2014
So I'm looking to upgrade my GPU from a GTS 450 to a GTX 480 and am wondering if my PSU wattage will be enough to cope. The rest of my relevant specs are:

M5A 78L-M Mobo
AMD FX-6300 3.5 GHz processor
1x8GB DDR3 Gigabyte RAM
1x2TB HDD.
Extra small fan on the wall of my case.

I plan on buying some extra extension/molar splitting leads so that I can get the necessary 8-pin and 6-pin connectors for the GPU. For example, this lead: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/5-25-Molex-PC-Sata-HDD-IDE-Power-Y-Adapter-Splitter-4-Pin-to-2x-4Pin-Cable-Lead-/181126053616?pt=UK_Computing_Sound_Vision_Power_Cables_Connectors&hash=item2a2bf43ef0. Would this be a problem?

I'll be glad to give any more information you need to answer this question. Thanks very much!
A GeForce GTX 480 needs 42 amps on the 12v + rail and a 600 watt power supply with one 6 pin and one 8 pin PCIE power connections.

That PSU isn't sufficient to run a GTX 480.
Nvidia suggests a 550 w with that card. Generally I like saying 500w is the minimum for one GPU in a normal system with no overclocking and such. Being that it requires extra power from the 8pin vs a 6 pin I think it is going to be close and will depend a lot on the type of PSU you have and if you are overclocking at all.

All THAT being said it also depends on what card you are actually buying. An ASus for example suggests only 350w in which case you are in the clear. So what actual make/model you want? And what make / model of PSU?

Hi - ImDaBarron is correct, we need to know the PSU brand/model. There is a very wide difference
between the brands, with some not outputting anywhere near what they claim.

A sys with a gtx480 requires a lot more power than the gts450, requiring a 6 pin and an 8 pin pcie
are an indication.

It boils down to the +12v amps avail - you need to 42 +12v amps for the sys with a gtx480. Most
500w PSU's deliver 34-38 +12v amps, so it is most likely your PSU is insufficient for the gtx 480.

From guru 3d's test of the Asus gtx480:

"GeForce GTX 480

System in IDLE = 201 Watts
System with GPU in FULL Stress = 433 Watts
Difference (GPU load) = 232 Watt (TDP = 250W)

GeForce GTX 480
On your average system the card requires you to have a 600 Watt power supply unit."

Here she is:


Hi again - as you can see from your photo of the PSU, you are woefully short on +12v amps, you def
need a PSU upgrade to run the sys with a gtx480 or similarly power hungry GPU.

Post your budget if yuo would like specific recommendations.

Thanks all for your answers, wasn't aware of the +12v requirements for the GTX 480. I have ordered a Corsair Builder Series CXM 600W as a replacement :) Thanks again.