5200 vs Sapphire 9600


Mar 24, 2003
Okay I got a tough decision to make, like alot of people i'm on a limited budget. I currently have a Geforce4 mx 440 8x 64 mb card. I want to upgrade, I was planning on upgrading to the Fx5200 because I could get one cheap ($87 cdn) but upon reading through tom's benchmark tests I realized that besides the 5200 being a direct x 9 card it sort of traded victories with my current card thus probably not offering alto of performance increase (despite it being a 128 mb card)
This is where I'm going to be getting my video card: http://canadacomputers.com/video.html#gra (in canada best prices I can find, with a good rep)
My question is this:
Looking at the benchmarks I see the 9600 (un pro, not SE) does a pretty good performance, yet somehow manages to fall behind on quake 3 Team arena (my card seems to own that for some reason over some of these newer cards)
what I want to know is will the sapphire radeon 9600 128 mb card perform at the levels of this benchmark (or close to it) or will they perform more like the 9200 SE benchmarks? Given that my intended expense was $87, and $139 is really stretching the piggy bank, what would you recommend?

Gary Hendricks
<A HREF="http://www.digital-music-guide.com" target="_new">www.digital-music-guide.com</A>


Jun 12, 2003
Can't really comment on your card choices, though i think just about everyone would say that the 9600 is usually a better card, but that's usually the pro or XT variant. basically, look at all the benchmarks/reviews of both cards you can find, see which ones perform better in the games you play, and get the one that fits your budget.
i feel your pain on the Candian side of things. however, i personally will not deal with canadacomputers at all!! i know they have great prices, but they had a satellite store in Kigngston, Ontario, where i lived for a few years, and i had many bad experiences with them. this place.. <A HREF="http://www.kingstoncomputerplanet.com" target="_new">http://www.kingstoncomputerplanet.com</A> was opened up in kingston by disgruntled canadacomptuers employees, and they are amazing! great service, they all know thier stuff, and while their prices are a little higher (on average 10-15$, though sometimes they are lower) they are a far better store, and bonus, they will ship to anywhere in Canada! i'm in N.S. now and they shipped to me for $20. also, have you checked out <A HREF="http://www.ncix.com" target="_new">http://www.ncix.com</A> essentailly a giant mail order company based out in BC, again, ship everywhere for a minimal fee. prices are good, and all the people i talk to say they are great to deal with, service/support, etc.
anyway, just my 2 cents


Apr 23, 2003
I would not buy the 5200. Have you looked at a ti4200 at all? They're aging, but still an upgrade over your mx and better than the 5200. IIRC they even beat the 9600non-pro many times. And don't be fooled by the dx 9 stuff. They will default to the dx8 path anyway.


FX5200 isn't really an upgrade as you discovered.

NV cards always do great at Quake 3. But is there a big deal getting 150fps or 100fps. I'd rather look at the newer games, especially what you want to play, and make sure your upgrade will keep the framerates playable. averaging 25fps compare to 50fps is a big deal, 100 to 150 isn't.

Either the 128MB Radeon 9600 or Ti4200 are good budget choices. Both have their advantages. IMO nothing less than these two cards are worth buying unless it's a non-gaming system. Is your current card keeping you from enjoying any games now? If not, I'd seriously keep it until you can afford a Radeon 9600 Pro or better card. For gamers who want to play the newest releases and those to come, it seems hard to really consider anything less than that.

ABIT IS7, P4 2.6C, 512MB Corsair TwinX PC3200LL, Radeon 9800 Pro, Santa Cruz, TruePower 430watt
Well I'd say the R9600 is the best choice even up against a GF4ti. The GF4ti is better at older titles (just like the FX5200 series) but struggles with newer titles, and higher settings. The R9600 has the power to use some DX9 effects, unlike the FX5200, and also gives you better image quality that the GF4ti series.

Others will argue for their own cause, but having read enough R9600 reviews I can say without a doubt it would be the best choice for the same price; as long as you plan on playing some more modern games than Quake3. The core of the R9600 often overclocks pretty good as well (memory only so-so).

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:
NCIX is no longer a great deal online, it's too big and too slow compared to local retailers. It used to be great, but now reacts too slowly to price changes.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:


The 9600 is the obvious choice.

Iven if it loses a few frames to the 5200 in Quake3 (a game Nvidia has always ruled), it will certainly be MORE than powerful enough to play Q3 at very nice graphic settings.

On the games that the 5200 can't handle at all, the 9600 (if it's not an SE) will perform much better.

Add to this you're pretty much guaranteed a massive GPU overclock with the 9600, and the choice is obvious...

<b>Radeon <font color=red>9500 PRO</b></font color=red> <i>(hardmodded 9500, o/c 322/322)</i>
<b>AthlonXP <font color=red>~2600+</b></font color=red> <i>(o/c 2400+ w/143Mhz fsb)</i>
<b>3dMark03: <font color=red>4,055</b></font color=red>