56000 FX is it that bad?


Mar 13, 2004
Hi all.

My First post here and what i want is just a bit of advice.

I've just upgraded my system to:

P4 3.2 (800mhz FSB)
Gigabyte GA-81PE1000 pr0 2 Mobo
1ghz of DDR 4000
Geforce 5600 FX 256DDR

I was expecting great things from the upgrade, my last CPU was P4 2.4, but im not getting that bigger improvement in 3d games, Deux Ex 2 and the Far Cry Demo are still didnt run that much better.Is my Geforce 5600 FX letting the side down?. If so some advice please guys, a new GFX card now or Wait for the new ones?


Never rub another mans Rhubarb!
Ya its the video card thats hurting ya. But your in luck new cards are comming out within the next 1-3 months.


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FX5600 is extremely bad

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I was really upset when i ran 3Dmark 2003

my old score was 2204 and my new one was 2525

almost cried, hehe

Never rub another mans Rhubarb!
unfortunately, yea it is that bad...

prime example why I dislike nvidia. honest person getting suckered into buying worthles products

<A HREF="http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/you.html" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
Well....it'll play Quake3 good...

<A HREF="http://rmitz.org/AYB3.swf" target="_new">All your base are belong to us.</A>
<A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2106920" target="_new"><b>3DMark03</b></A>
[insensitive bragging remark]<b>I'm an Honorary Master of THGC! :evil: </b>[/insensitive bragging remark]

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First of all you paid pointless amounts for the extra 128MB of the 256MB version, and second of all it IS bad, worse than an FX 5600 Ultra, even worse than the 5700 Ultra.

As well, just WHAT was your old card anyway?

Your 3DMark score sounds like you had a good one before, and didn't do your research at all before buying something new.

Oh and I'm sorry, I too don't know if the FX 56 000 is that bad, unfortunately I don't live in your high-tech world in 2030. :tongue:
<A HREF="http://www.lochel.com/THGC/album.html" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>More updates and added sites as over <font color=red>62</font color=red> no-lifers have their pics up on THGC's Photo Album! </b></font color=blue></A> :lol: <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Eden on 03/14/04 05:57 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
Well, the 5600 isn't great by today's standards, but you should get well over 10,000 in 3D Mark 2001SE with your specs.

Does anyone have any _definite_ notion as to when a completely new line of midrange Nvidia cards are coming out? It has to be Nvidia - Linux geek, drivers ya know, hehehe.
Yeah unfortunately you upgraded the wrong component. Your P4 2.4GHz was just fine, your video card is a slouch. A Radeon 9800 pro would have been cheaper than the P4 3.2C and your overall gaming experience would have been so much better.

Check <A HREF="http://www.tomshardware.com/graphic/20031229/vga-charts-03.html#unreal_tournament_2003" target="_new"> This Review </A> and read the benchmark scores. The test system is a high end P4 3.2C / i865pe system so is a direct comparison for you now. You can see the FX5600 and many other cards too, and see the difference they make on your system. And the 256MB version you have isn't any faster than the 128MB in the test.

You have a very nice system, but your video card will limit your resolution and quality settings bigtime. At least you know what the bottleneck is and what needs to be replaced to have a serious gaming box.

ABIT IS7, P4 2.6C, 512MB Corsair TwinX PC3200LL, Radeon 9800 Pro, Santa Cruz, TruePower 430watt
I posted a book and didn't answer all your questions :frown:

Should you buy now? Depends on your budget and just how bad that FX5600 is gaming for you. Can you live with it until May/June? My vote is a radeon 9800 Pro now is a great card, virtually top performance for around $200-$210. If you want the absolute Top of the line, money is no object, the radeon 9800XT is a little faster as you can see in those benchamrks. (I encourage you to look at each chart). But I wouldn't buy the XT now as it comes at such a huge premium, it will drastically drop in price over the next few months, and newer cards with even better performance will come out by May. For your system, R9800 Pro now, or wait a few months. A R9600 Pro for $130 is an budget option too and far superior to your card, but giving your current system specs, it would be a shame not to spend another $75 and snag a high end card.

ABIT IS7, P4 2.6C, 512MB Corsair TwinX PC3200LL, Radeon 9800 Pro, Santa Cruz, TruePower 430watt
Thanks for all the advice!

To the question what was my old video card , i upgraded from a Ge 4 4600 TI last year , when i upgraded this year i left the 5600 FX in there, big mistake.

As you guys have said there are a bunch of new cards coming out Juneish time so i might put up with this card until then. Then get a real beast :)

Never rub another mans Rhubarb!
Hell , just read that reveiw!

What the hell was i thinking when i bought the G FX 5600, should have just kept the G 4 4600 Ti

Someone please call me a Muppet!

Never rub another mans Rhubarb!
Not at all. Many of us have been taken in by slick promos of what various hardware and software will do. From doubling your FPS to curing "the heartbreak of soriasis!".

I want to die like my Grandfather...in my sleep...not screaming in terror like his passengers.
omg dude, you went from a TI4600 to a 5600?

what a horrid naming scheme. 5600 looks like a step up from 4600... ive said it before an dill say it again they should be sued for <b>false advertising</b>.

there honestly needs to be a standard for the industry to compare performance against, because right now they can get away with the most underhanded things

<A HREF="http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/you.html" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
Oh no! The Ti4600 is faster in everything except FSAA and AF and of course DX9 apps. If possible, return the 5600 and get a Radeon 9600 Pro. If you like Nvidia, then I suggest an FX 5700 Ultra. The 5700 Ultra is slightly faster, but it also costs more. Some people say that ATI has a lot of driver issues, and that Nvidia has better drivers - I don't know. The 9600 Pro can be gotten quite a bit more cheaply than the 5700 Ultra. Either one will provide you with a very nice upgrade. If you plan on trying Linux though, the 5700 Ultra is the only way to go.
WOOT! i'm a honourary somethng....

RIP Block Heater....HELLO P4~~~~~
120% nVidia Fanboy
never tried to go crazy when it comes to o/cing.
THGC's resident Asian and Graphics Forum's resident nVboy 😀
As well, for Deus Ex 2, did you make sure you got the new 1.2 Patch?

It can be found at <A HREF="http://www.ionstorm.com" target="_new">Ion Storm's Website</A>.

The 1.1 Patch helped me play it on my Ti200, and it rocked anyways, but it seems the 1.2 is even better in performance enhancements. Since your 5600 is better than my Ti200, I assume you could play at higher settings without much problems.
I didn't test the new patch since I removed the game after me and my bro finished it.
Game is still like its former, DX, badly optimized graphics!

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