5670 gpu... will it work?


Mar 3, 2015
So okay I wan't to buy a graphics card and I found one,ofcourse it being the 5670!,but I don't know will it work or not because I was reading up on those power supplies and stuff with the rails and things? tell me what pw supply I need for the card to work,and other things... here's my specs: Motherboard is M85M-US2H
CPU is AMD Athlon II X2 240
PW supply is very low 230w thats why im looking into buying another one but i don't know which will work? can you tell me what to look in a power supply for my system?
The HD 5670 is pretty old. It will work fine with older games. It uses less than 75w, so it should be ok with your PSU. Unless you are getting a great price I would recommend that you look into the GTX 750 and 750 ti. They are much more powerful, but still use very little power.
For a new PSU, I would recommend that you get a 380-500w one. Something like an Antec ea380 or this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817438015 should work well and give you room to upgrade.

The card you are looking at will probably work with your current PSU. Rather than upgrade one piece at a time, it may be better to save your money for a new computer.

will it work with my mother and cpu?,what psu should i get?
The HD 5670 is pretty old. It will work fine with older games. It uses less than 75w, so it should be ok with your PSU. Unless you are getting a great price I would recommend that you look into the GTX 750 and 750 ti. They are much more powerful, but still use very little power.
For a new PSU, I would recommend that you get a 380-500w one. Something like an Antec ea380 or this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817438015 should work well and give you room to upgrade.

The card you are looking at will probably work with your current PSU. Rather than upgrade one piece at a time, it may be better to save your money for a new computer.

It costs 150 euros in my country (definetely a rip off...
You can support pretty much any GPU, though your CPU will limit what you can do with it.

A 230W power supply is probably not something that should be trusted running a graphics card.
Something like an Antec 400W supply would go well for this type of upgrade.

Why did you pick the 5670? That is quite an old card. 5670, 6670, 7770, R7-250. Each successive generation is going to get you more performance for your money.

A cheaper R7-240 would be around the same performance as a 5670. Nvidia GT 730 or GT 640 would offer similar performance while using less power.

so what gpu is best for like 40-50 euros and works on M85-US2H and AMD Athlon II x2 240? im going to upgrade my psu but im not upgrading anything else except the graphics card...

I would help to know why you need to upgrade your GPU. What about the old one is not good enough? What features do you need? You are unlikely to experience much improvement in gaming performance with your budget.

Believe me my gpu is rubbish... I have a geforce 8600gt and it sucks,and it will definitely help me in gaming I saw gameplay's with this gpu and it's good to play on medium to high settings (on some games)...
Right now i just wan't to play ac rogue,maybe unity on lowest settings? BF4 and games like that.... i saw gameplays and it definitely works.

I live in Lithuania,and yet another rip off... I only have like 50 euros at my dispense because you know stuff... and it costs 70! I repeat 70! euros, but I don't know maybe ill get it on monthly cost...

It's a tough call. The 5670 will improve your performance. If you were in the US, I would recommend a used GPU. Even with an upgraded GPU, you still cannot expect great performance with your CPU. If it were me, I would save the money for a larger upgrade later.