
Jul 24, 2009
I want to build a new set up with the following:

MB: Gigabyte GA-MA790FXT-UD5P 790FX

CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 810 or AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition

RAM: Corsair 4GB (2x2GB) DDR3 1600MHz/PC3-12800 XMS3 DHX

Not sure about graphics card. I dont play games but want to play DVD to HD TV so want HDMI out and DVI for monitor and want to be able to use these simultaneously. The card musn't be power hungry. Any suggestions for a card that will fulfill these requirements

Also will run 4 SATA Hdds & DVD drive

The main issue is power. I have a Hiper Power 580 watt PSU. Will this sufficient with this proposed set-up or will I need more power to get started.



Jun 19, 2009

Just a caveat, don't buy a high end monitor and a low end graphics chip. That chip is an 18th tier graphics chip/card. If you plan on watching video in a window while doing other things you might need more GPU muscle. If you plan on single tasking, OK.,2362-6.html


Jul 24, 2009
Many thanks for your time in replying. I am still unsure whether I should spend the extra on the 955 or go for Phenom II X2 550 Black Edition. I am in the UK and based on the best price there is a £71 difference. The 125w requirement of the 955 does concern me with my 580w PSU.

As for graphics cards I want a card that will allow me to use HDMI to my TV and DVI to my monitor simultaneously. I am looking at the Sapphire Ultimate HD4670 512MB GDDR3 as It draws less power (passive cooling) and has the appropriate outputs (although I cannot get info on whether HDMI & DVI work at the same time) and the 4670 should give a better performance than a 4550 for watching HD content.

Your thoughts welcome
For cards that support dual monitors you can generally run them off of any two outputs of your choice so the HDMI and DVI should work at the same time but you may not get audio out with your HDMI so you may need to run a separate sound cable too.


Jul 24, 2009
Many thanks for the reply. I guess I just have to try the card and see how it works out my system. The manufacturer's site states that HDMI carries audio so hopefully I will get that function.

My main concern with hooking up a graphics card to my TV is compatibility. I have a SonyKDF E50A12U and the TV only has a limited number of native resolutions to play with - again it will be a case of trial and error.