580W PSU enough for R9 390?

If that psu would have been of decent quality then yes but that one is garbage tier. It will die with the 390 and possibly take other parts with it.
That's the first time I've seen a PSU's promotional material *brag* about having CapXon capacitors. It's like having a local deli advertise "we only give you diarrhea *some* of the time!"

This is probably a tad better than the real junk-tier PSUs, I can find several of their PSUs in the 80 Plus database. It's unlike a CWT to be completely hopeless, so I'd guess this is more a mediocre one than a terrible one. Still, I'd be personally a little uneasy, but I don't know what the supply situation is in Iran to know if there are better choices realistically available.

Yeah it's "decent"

Ah man idk but it's mediocre not garbage.

Lol yeah it's weird but this is a decent PSU from Haswell era. It's made new but it was designed back in those days.
Tho as you say it's more like mediocre. It's just that I think of mediocre as decent lol.
And yeah I wouldn't call this absolute garbage that could just blow up anytime.
And yeah I do feel a bit uneasy about it that's why I came here to ask for further advice.

And PC hardware stuff here are currently extremely awful. Especially after the JCPOA bullshit from Trump. Currently they aren't importing PC stuff to here anymore since we don't have "enough dolllar" for everything lol.

So yeah even these Green PSUs are kinda overpriced right now with this situation so I'd rather keep my GTX 760 rather than upgrading lol. And I don't really want any Nvidia graphics cards as I'm planning to pick up a Freesync panel in the future. Therefore my only option is to go for an R9 390. Because RX 4/570 and RX 4/580 prices are in the skies.
I guess I'll upgrade my CPU and RAM for now and wait for the next wave of graphics cards in a year and hope the PC situation here gets sorted out.

There are capxon caps in it. That is garbage tier caps in a psu.