5960X OC not stable


Apr 14, 2014
ok i had my 5960x @ 4.650ghz at 1.367 volts 46 multiplyer, now this oc works on 3d mark, then sumtimes i BSOD. when it BSOD the cpu light comes on and the pc doesnt restart. when i lower the voltage, to 1.36volts, i BSOD but the cpu light stays off and the pc restarts. i use to run a 4.623mhz @ 1.342 volts and and it runs more efficent that the 4.650 clock but it bsod after a few passes. and another thing, even though the ocerclocks can make a pass all the way through firestrike, i get an instant freeze then BSOD on prime 95. on stock clocks, prime 95 is perfectly fine. Im running an h100i at 70 underload. how can i get my 4.650 stable?
You are running the CPU at more than 1GHz above its boost frequency and 4.6GHz is considered above average for the i7-5960X. There is a very high probability your chip simply cannot reliably go that fast no matter what you do.

You could try throwing a more powerful CPU cooler and a bunch of extra case fans but there is no guarantee it will help you much.

Your best option may very well be dialing your OC back to 4.6 or even 4.5GHz.