ok i had my 5960x @ 4.650ghz at 1.367 volts 46 multiplyer, now this oc works on 3d mark, then sumtimes i BSOD. when it BSOD the cpu light comes on and the pc doesnt restart. when i lower the voltage, to 1.36volts, i BSOD but the cpu light stays off and the pc restarts. i use to run a 4.623mhz @ 1.342 volts and and it runs more efficent that the 4.650 clock but it bsod after a few passes. and another thing, even though the ocerclocks can make a pass all the way through firestrike, i get an instant freeze then BSOD on prime 95. on stock clocks, prime 95 is perfectly fine. Im running an h100i at 70 underload. how can i get my 4.650 stable?