6 monitor build


Oct 31, 2013
I understand this site is for gamers. I'm not a gamer. But I am in the process of building a few computers to support a Stock-Trading environment. Hence, as this forum has the wealth of tech information I always ultimately end up here.

I would be grateful if anyone could point me to somewhere I could get some expert input/suggestions. I've received so much conflicting information that any help would be much appreciated.

Basically for the trading machine the requirements are
Reliability - first and foremost
Data transfer and computational speeds

From my basic understanding this translates to a:
The most reliable motherboard; that supports
the i7 4770K
32GB 1833 DDR ram - suggestion of type / brand etc.
Basic graphic card (or cards) to support 6 identical screens (this part throws up the most conflicts - e.g. GeForce GTX 650 Ti boost 1GB or GeForce GT 610 1GB) and comments or suggestions most welcome
Power supply to support all this

Obviously, I could go for complete overkill, and spend $1,000s to try to ensure the above but I would rather not waste if not necessary. Also, I've been informed that overkill like this, for my needs, does not necessarily give me the most reliable set-up (this comment originates around the motherboard choice)

Would appreciate any info that might help me get closer to a solution.

Thanks TwistedFury
I already have an i7 Trading computer with a GigaByte mb that is giving endless problems. I've had techies look at it without a definite identified source to the problems - but they have concluded that it it likely to do with the the mb and the 3 Nvidia GeForce 610 graphic cards.
I've also heard on trading forums that the gigabyte mb are not the most reliable. So I'm not keen to venture down that route again.
Regarding the SSD 250GB question. I will be adding other bits to the setup but what I outlined was the core parts with emphasis just on the speed of data transfer (and reliability). I will also be adding a 2tb HDD with fast data transfer and just storing files. I'm not the bothered what that is as the OS and the application program will run off the SSD so I would like that to be reliable and fast.
Thanks again
It was mentioned to me that for best data transfer speeds I should be getting the SATA 6 Gb (not sure what that is ). I don't see that in the spec of this mb - or have I missed it.

Alternatively - have I been mis-informed?