6 people who single handedly screwed entire economies.

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I think it's just scary one man gets to have this kind of power, while never having been elected to any office in any of those countries.

Is there a difference? It's one of the seven deadly sins, so it should be pure evil to anyone who claims to be a Christian. Hell, I'm an atheist and I still think it's evil.

You can't be greedy and generous at the same time, unless you believe your charity will make you even richer in the long term, but then it's not really charity anymore. Charitable rich people got rich without it being their goal in life (they were just lucky or just like the thrill of building a business and that happened to make them rich).

I don't take it personally, gamer has a way of misunderstanding everything he reads.

Well, not just pure luck, there's also breaking the law/doing unethical stuff, for those that need to boost their luck.

If hard work and dedication were the key to becoming billionaire then there would be 100 million billionaires in Japan. If intelligence was the key then Stephen Hawking would be a billionaire and Silvio Berlusconi wouldn't be.

The idea that rich people are better persons is ridiculous, archaic and very dangerous. It's a very naive way of living: "I'm scared of the complexity of this world and its injustices so I'll just put my head in the sand and pretend the system I grew up with is perfect and the world is peachy: religion tells me everything bad is just god's will and foreseen by the founding fathers, including the fact that I live in luxury while billions of people are born in slums (unless those people happen to live in countries with different systems than ours, then it's the fault of those systems), when I see poor people I'll just think they're lazy bums, when I see rich people I'll just think they're awesome geniuses, because otherwise the system wouldn't be perfect and that would mean I would actually have to confront problems." Voila, the conservative mind in a nutshell.
Wow! Reads like something right out of a progressive rally speech. You have no clue or insight to the conservative ideology or conservative mindset are talking out of your poop hole.

Let's flip this the other way...

The idea that progressives and socialists are better persons is ridiculous, archaic, and very dangerous. It is a very unrealistic and ignorant way of living. "I believe that I am morally superior because my progressive ideology is based on the notion that all things belong to all people. I am scared of the complexity of the world and that I must be personally responsible for my actions. I willingly become a victim and blame all my problems, and the world's problems, on other people. Religion has no place in my life because I have been raised to believe that government is the highest power. I feel entitled to things that I did not earn and will covet the property and belongings of my neighbor. When I see rich people I feel nothing but anger because I have squandered my talents and the opportunities presented to me to better myself, my family, and the community I live in. The fact that I live in conditions that are not the same as rich people causes me to demand government provide those things for me and pass legislation to ensure that I remain dependent on the government for all things. I am nothing without a government program to provide for me and without it I would have no purpose in life." Viola, the liberal/progressive/socialist mind in a nutshell.

Really? A reversal, is that all?

P.S. why do you consider being rich and being progressive as opposites?
there is truth to what you say chunky but the progressive mindset developed out of injustices and the lack of a democratic authority to provide some type of social justice.

Injustices and the fact that some people look further ahead than next quarter's profits.
Thanks for agreeing, the sad part is there is truth in it to begin with. As a point of interest, the progressive mindset originates from a complete perversion of the ideals and beliefs of the Democratic Party as established, implemented, and promoted by Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren. The progressive mindset is an extension of the socialism that permeated the educational and political systems in America during the early 1900's. The modern progressive movement is an extension of the 1960's counterculture and is kept alive by people who reject the Constitution and believe that government is the answer to everything.
Rich and progressive are not opposite but I'm glad you at least recognize the intentional ridiculousness of my statement on the progressive mind. Hopefully, as a result, you recognize the equal ridiculousness of your post regarding the conservative mind.

Man, if you had a time machine and could see the hardships of 19th and early 20th century workers, or blacks and gays in the 1960's you would never again say those incredibly offensive things from the comfort of your lazy chair. When the system leaves you hungry after 12 hours of backbreaking work or treats you as an animal because you are different (all under the guise of "the constitution") then you will rebel and not give a flying f*ck about what spoilt rich kids think of you or about the constitution if that same constitution apparently allows for the injustices you've encountered.

Yeah, I grew up in relative luxury (compared to most of the world), like you, but the difference is I don't forget the people who made it possible for me to go to school instead of having to work in a factory from age 7, not die of the common cold, go to college and go to work knowing that I can one day retire, have these things called weekends in the meantime and earning enough to pay for food and water that are not poisoned. Who were these people? Well, let me tell you they weren't rethuglikkklans or CEO's, industrialists or bankers, they were socialists and that small segment of Christians who actually read their bibles.

No, this was commonplace and in many areas was the way the majority of the population lived (in 1910 2 million American children were laborers), not that it should matter.

Factory workers alone numbered in the millions, smaller sweatshops and mines existed next to the factories as well, while laying tracks or working on a farm (if you were not the owner or related to him) was equally nasty and backbreaking.

I fail to see how millions of people (the total population was less than 80 million) were "exceptions". In urban areas expliotation (surplus of able bodies) was the norm and it still is in countries like China and India.

BS: (virtually) every businessowner who was in the position to exploit did and still does (see China and India). Remember that many "businessowners" were shopkeepers or farmers with only family members as employees or none at all, also farmers had a tougher time exploiting because there were few unemployed able bodies around in rural areas.

Besides, even if it were true that only, say, 40% (not that 40% qualifies for the term of "exception" in my view) of businessowners would exploit given the option, would that mean it's something that can just be swept under the rug, that the lives of their "employees" are meaningless?
Once again, you demonstrate the false moral superiority of the socialist ideal. Just because you have sympathy for the poor, blacks, or gays does not qualify you to be their champion. It's like saying you are not a racist and understand the plight of minorities because some of your friends are black, latino, or non-white. Progressive hypocrisy and ignorance in it's finest, kudos to you! Where would you socialists be without your self righteousness?

Hahahahaha! Right out of the progressive playbook; the "kkk" in your awkward spelling of republicans is a nice touch. I especially like how you actually believe that you truly understand the what it is to be poor, underprivileged, or discriminated against. Hahahaha! Thanks, I needed a laugh, it's been a long week cleaning up the aftermath of Hurricane Irene...

In an attempt to save you from further embarrassing yourself with your ignorant presumptions, allow me give to you a gift Gulli, indulge me and allow me to tell you some things about myself. I was born into a poor single parent home, I was the epitome of the "latch-key-kid" because my mother worked two jobs to stay off welfare. I started working as soon as I was legally able to and could get my working papers. For years, I spent many days/weekends from April to October working on a farm, sometimes for 10-12 hours a day during the harvest and hay bailing season. I continued to work part time through high school and began working full time immediately after graduation, no time off to travel, find myself, or otherwise live off some else's good graces. I bought my first house at 22 with money earned, not given, all the while working full time and taking college classes at night. I eventually completed my undergraduate, found time to get married, and start a family. All of this without the any government assistance, federal bail out, tax incentive, or socialist program. If I live in any sense of luxury it is because I worked for it, nothing was given to me; nothing but my natural born talents and the same opportunities given to every other person in America who has the gumption and balls big enough to take advantage of it. In other words Gulli, I am the typical middle class American, I am what decades of socialist ideology in America is destroying, and I am who rejects the very socialist ideals and progressive thought that your kind holds in such high esteem.

Do not dare to presume you know anything about anyone or know anything about what circumstances another person lives with. Your race baiting, class warfare, false moral superiority, and presumptuous ignorance is at the very core of what is wrong with progressive thought and socialist ideology.

If I come off as also being self righteous, it is because I earned the right and privilege to tell anyone who tells me that I owe them anything to go f**k themselves and earn it for their self. Until then Gulli, dry the water behind your ears, grow some hair on your sack, and earn your own battle scars.

Dude, your not the only one growing up in a single parent, working class home and doing jobs (I actually fit that description too). You're dead wrong when you say you've been given nothing: without government and long dead socialists there would not be such a thing as a minimum wage, without which you and your mother would make $220 dollars (gross income!) for a 70 hour workweek (in 2011 dollars) , or subsidized secondary and tertiary education (which you attended). Hell, you wouldn't even have had electricity unless you lived in a large city and chances are you would have died of some easily preventable disease before your 5th birthday. I know, it sounds grim but I'm just showing you the deregulated horrors of Europe and America around 1900 or modern day euphemistically called ("slave nations" would be a better term) "low-wage" countries.
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