Once again, you demonstrate the false moral superiority of the socialist ideal. Just because you have sympathy for the poor, blacks, or gays does not qualify you to be their champion. It's like saying you are not a racist and understand the plight of minorities because some of your friends are black, latino, or non-white. Progressive hypocrisy and ignorance in it's finest, kudos to you! Where would you socialists be without your self righteousness?
Hahahahaha! Right out of the progressive playbook; the "kkk" in your awkward spelling of republicans is a nice touch. I especially like how you actually believe that you truly understand the what it is to be poor, underprivileged, or discriminated against. Hahahaha! Thanks, I needed a laugh, it's been a long week cleaning up the aftermath of Hurricane Irene...
In an attempt to save you from further embarrassing yourself with your ignorant presumptions, allow me give to you a gift Gulli, indulge me and allow me to tell you some things about myself. I was born into a poor single parent home, I was the epitome of the "latch-key-kid" because my mother worked two jobs to stay off welfare. I started working as soon as I was legally able to and could get my working papers. For years, I spent many days/weekends from April to October working on a farm, sometimes for 10-12 hours a day during the harvest and hay bailing season. I continued to work part time through high school and began working full time immediately after graduation, no time off to travel, find myself, or otherwise live off some else's good graces. I bought my first house at 22 with money earned, not given, all the while working full time and taking college classes at night. I eventually completed my undergraduate, found time to get married, and start a family. All of this without the any government assistance, federal bail out, tax incentive, or socialist program. If I live in any sense of luxury it is because I worked for it, nothing was given to me; nothing but my natural born talents and the same opportunities given to every other person in America who has the gumption and balls big enough to take advantage of it. In other words Gulli, I am the typical middle class American, I am what decades of socialist ideology in America is destroying, and I am who rejects the very socialist ideals and progressive thought that your kind holds in such high esteem.
Do not dare to presume you know anything about anyone or know anything about what circumstances another person lives with. Your race baiting, class warfare, false moral superiority, and presumptuous ignorance is at the very core of what is wrong with progressive thought and socialist ideology.
If I come off as also being self righteous, it is because I earned the right and privilege to tell anyone who tells me that I owe them anything to go f**k themselves and earn it for their self. Until then Gulli, dry the water behind your ears, grow some hair on your sack, and earn your own battle scars.