[SOLVED] 60 Hz vs 144 Hz


Nov 20, 2016
I have a 60 HZ monitor (1080p) with a gtx 1070 ,when i play a game it shows more than 60 fps ,but does it mean i am getting those frames or just 60 fps.If i am getting just 60 fps , is it worth buying the most affordable 144hz monitor ,i.e. acer gn246hl.
If the GPU can output 144Hz and your monitor outputs 60Hz, then the effective output will be 60Hz. If your monitor were to output 144Hz(depending on how you're connected to the GPU) while yet leaving the GPU capable of 144Hz output, intact, you will get 144Hz on your monitor.
If the GPU can output 144Hz and your monitor outputs 60Hz, then the effective output will be 60Hz. If your monitor were to output 144Hz(depending on how you're connected to the GPU) while yet leaving the GPU capable of 144Hz output, intact, you will get 144Hz on your monitor.
On a 60hz panel, the max you will see is 60fps. The monitor is the bottleneck in a sense.

In my opinion, yes it is worth buying a 144hz panel as there is a big difference in the way a games looks when played over 60fps. Many people skimp out on the monitor and it is a mistake. After all, for a gaming rig, it is the only thing that gives you the picture. Plus a good monitor will last longer than any other of your components. When your CPU and GPU are dinosaurs, a good monitor would still be more than adequate.
144Hz will provide you with a much smoother experience overall in everything you do, it is a good investment if you can afford it and you will defienetly see the benfits of having such a monitor. However, right now the max you will be gaming at is 60fps, even if the FPS counter shows more. IMO if you have the money, spend it on a 144Hz monitor, otherwise the current monitor is enough because of your specs, most of your games will run at 60 fps or more anyway.
Everyone I've spoken to says that 120 FPS is a noticeable difference over 60 FPS on a 60hz monitor. I can't imagine you don't feel a smoother experience with 120 vs 60 FPS in CS:GO and the like, even on a 60hz monitor.

Is it worth it buying the 144hz just to get the max out of your framerate? Probably not. Most people play on 60hz but run way more than 60 FPS and feel it, provided it's stable of course.

Theres a very nice transition between 60 and either 120 or 144, you cant really feel more fps when your monitor is 60Hz, its probably just messing with your mind. If you have the money go for a higher refresh rate, you will not regret it.

In my opinion, there is a much more noticeable difference from 60hz to 100hz than there is from 100hz to 144hz. For my old eyes, I get diminishing returns with framerates much higher than 100fps. So even if you cant push 144hz, that is not a big deal because even pushing 75-100fps will be noticeable.
To this very day .. most movie theaters still project at only 24 frames second. I personally, cannot see (or feel) any difference when using a high refresh rate monitor. But, when I switched my gaming to a high quality 49" 4K television (Samaung Q6F) the impact was ... "F*CK YEAH NOW THAT LOOKS AWESOME!" I'm not saying that high refresh displays are a waste... Just that the money could be better spent.

One caveat .. you need a deep desk so that you can position the display 30+ inches from your eyes..
i think people are missing 1 other factor. and i could be wrong. the monitor you picked out is not g-sync. so i believe this means that if you game ever dips below 144fps, the monitor will downclock back to a standard hz (maybe 60?).

so you can lock it at 144hz, but if you have dips you will have screen tearing. or you can set it to adjust, but who knows how often its going to drop down to 60hz?

i would confirm your favorite games always stay above 144hz so you dont have anything to worry about. or go with a g-sync monitor so you can take advantage of higher framerates no matter what rate that might be. if your game bounces around 120-160fps, maybe look for a g-sync monitor.

maybe someone with more experience with 144hz (non g-sync) can chime in with more details?

my opinion. 120hz looks buttery smooth. my old 4k vizio p65 used to accept 120hz at 1080p. it looked amazing. some games i would prefer to run it at 120hz 1080p, others, i preferred 4k 60fps. but it was nice to have the option.
I have experimented a lot with this. On my current rig I went from 60hz to 80hz (overclocked a 60hz monitor) and have seen a big difference. 60hz really is low for a first person shooter. Past 100 you start getting diminishing returns. I would shoot for 100hz or higher if your budget allows. I would rather have 100hz at high quality settings than 144hz at low quality settings. Running 120fps on 60hz sounds dumb. Logically it should have zero difference from 60fps on 60hz, with the possible exception of motionblur if you leave that turned on.
1080p 144hz is a good experience ofc but you need the GPU to render those 144fps. I have a 1070ti with a Samsung LC27FG73 ( 27 inc 1080p 144hz ). Games like Fortnite will need Vsync since you get 180 avg fps on all max so you wont get tearing from too many frames collapsing on the other ( dummy explanation ). 1070 will get you through non triple A games for 144hz. Check 1440p 100hz might be a better value for you.

However, with a 60Hz monitor that is 1440p instead of 1080p, you will notice a difference in clarity. Of course, the best setup would be a 144Hz monitor that does 1440p resolution, given that it's larger than 24". If one is using a 24" monitor or smaller, then there might not be any benefit from 1440p over 1080p.

I just went and bought a 32" Samsung 4K 1ms monitor, yeah she's only 60hz but honestly, for me, I'm loving it. When the budget is an issue, in alot of cases you have to choose between speed and quality, me, I chose quality.
I was tempted by Kogan's lineup, some of their gear is well spec'd and well priced, but I wasn't able to find reviews of the models I'd looked at and none of my friends knew anyone who'd tried them out so I went with a familiar brand I'd used before with good reviews.
Here's the gist of it as far as gaming goes, what your eyes can see, and what your brain can register.
Your eyes can only "see" 60 Hz, that's the mechanical cap the good Lord (or whoever your chosen deity is) put into the human body. However, your brain can accept far more information than that, so 144 Hz and beyond is visible to the brain. So, even though you can't actually "see" it, your brain knows it's there, and you are able process it.
The difference it makes to gaming is that you can now react faster to the perception without waiting for the sight ... you get what I mean here?
In competitive games, milliseconds mean life or death.
I play World of Tanks. The bonus to me to run the game on 144 Hz monitors (yes, I said monitors) is that it has improved my scores tremendously across the board. I can see and shoot people well before they can see or shoot me. I never have screen lag that causes me to shoot behind people.
My son plays Fortnite. The 144 Hz monitor he plays on means he is shooting people before they even see him. He quite regularly now finishes in the top 5 of his matches.
As for just plain looks, regardless of the game you are playing, 144 Hz is simply way more smoother.
In short, the more Hz's you can effectively display over 60, the better your game play and experience will be. After that, the fact that you're not a pro player is on you and not your equipment ... LOL

The ultimate, if you can afford it, is a 4k, 144 Hz, 27" monitor. They were on sale last week for $2,199.00 CDN ... LOL

As a side note ... a couple weeks ago Newegg.ca had Asus Rog RTX2080Ti's for sale cheaper than any GTX1080Ti they had. Seemed kind of odd, but I didn't argue. I bought an RTX2080Ti ... LOL. Of course I didn't get to keep it ... it's in my son's machine. Fortnite never looked, or played, so good.