A more expensive one that wouldn't fit within your budget. Choosing a case is a personal preference and choice thing if you like the case great. My only gripe with the one you had is the side facing hard drive bay.
or this one
I think you have quite the build their I wouldn't really change anything. I would personally go for a different case but see that is me and that is you and what you prefer is different
here is your build so others can see without clicking the link PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks
I think you have quite the build their I wouldn't really change anything. I would personally go for a different case but see that is me and that is you and what you prefer is different
here is your build so others can see without clicking the link PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks
Looks excellent. I might suggest looking out for gpu deals, due to the recent release of the next gen, but $140 for a 7870 xt (7930)? and two games? They're practically giving you money.
A more expensive one that wouldn't fit within your budget. Choosing a case is a personal preference and choice thing if you like the case great. My only gripe with the one you had is the side facing hard drive bay.
or this one