$600 Gaming Computer, for 1080p on a 42" Panasonic


Oct 10, 2011
Approximate Purchase Date: Within 3 days of posting.

Budget Range: Strict $600 budget before rebates.

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, watching videos

Parts Not Required: Mouse, Monitor, OS

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Amazon, Newegg

Country of Origin: USA

Parts Preferences: I need a wireless adapter (I'm upstairs away from the router)

Overclocking: Maybe

SLI or Crossfire: Maybe

Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080

Additional Comments: Quiet is nice, Overclocking sounds good. I really want to get as much as possible out of my budget, I want most of the money spent on gpu, without bottlenecking, wireless adapter also important. And a decent keyboard is needed, i game somewhat competitively (would usb extension wires cause input delay? or should i go wireless keys+mouse?)

I'm also having trouble deciding between Radeon and GTX, I guess budget comes into play but i want a real beast of a GPU.

=D I'm very excited to make my first gaming PC!
Hi there! Welcome to the forums.

I made you a complete system for $605. Yes it doesn't include keyboard, but it puts a very powerful GPU in, as you requested. If you wanna pay the extra $10 for 8GB of ram, go for it. Same for hard drive.

CPU: PII X4 955 $120
Mobo: ASRock 770 $76
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 560 Ti $220
RAM: Crucial Ballistix 2x2GB 1600MHz $30
PSU: Silverstone 400w PSU $50
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 500GB $45
Case: Apex Vortex $35
DVD: Sony Optiarc Lightscribe $20
Wireless adapter: Rosewill 54Mbps $10

Grand total is $605! Spectacular value for $600, IMO.
I spent a little more on the mobo for Sata3 and USB3. You can downgrade if you won't be wanting those features.
Thanks hopefully i can get a reply soon because im ready to order =D!

I just have a few questions.
1. Why AMD? I've heard that even in quad core games the i3 2100 only loses by a very small amount and outperforms amd in dual core games.

2. Keyboard is very important.

3. Would a refurbished msi twin frozr 560 ti for $190 be good? (all accessoriies and warranty in tact)

4. Why that case? Will this one work just as good?
Eh, I picked AMD for 2 main reasons.
-The motherboard options are cheaper/have more features
-It's the CPU picked by the System Builder Marathon $500 PC.

This is a debate that will rage on for the end of time. i3-2100 or Phenom II x4?

2. Yeah, but I didn't want to sacrifice anything from the build. Keyboard is also a thing of personal preference. I myself like the slim-mechanical style keyboards, while some like the older style.

3. Would depend. Can I see the link?

4. Yes, the NZXT will work just fine. I just threw in the Apex because it looks cool.

Remember, this was just an idea. You can do whatever you want to YOUR build. It's yours, after all!
Well the performance of Bulldozer is less important than the Intel price cuts that it will cause.

Also, for a 90-day warranty, that's not a good price. That means it was a returned item. I've seen new GTX 560 Ti's for $175 (after rebate). Granted they weren't Twin Frozr--but keep in mind that that price is pretty much for a refurb. Look on ebay for items that are new with full warranty (3 year or so).
I know there is no way to really know until it happens, but do you think an i5 system could make it into a 600 dollar build with a price drop?

I've been waiting about a month now to build this computer so i was sort of anxious to get the parts already =P
The i5-2500K definitely CAN fit...but there'd be other sacrifices at your price point. For gaming, you'd do better to go with an i3-2100 and put more into graphics. Also, an i3-2100 doesn't make you as sad to upgrade to Ivy Bridge a year from now.

We won't know prices until Intel responds to the Bulldozer launch. Give it a couple days since you're on a tight budget. Personally, I'd wait until Black Friday.
Striker gave some fine advice for a build

I might back off on the 560Ti and buy a 6870 take that money and get an am3+ motherboard and a little more powerfull PSU,

Then at a later time a BD drop in will be just what the doctor ordered. Or hold off the week when BD drops you could keep the 560Ti which is an awesome vid card and get the 955 for cheaper.
You wouldn't happen to live near a Micro Center, would you?

Otherwise...wait a week and maybe the i5-2500K will be dropped to $190 by Intel. Or maybe Bulldozer will be cheap and good enough at gaming to get it. If not, you can get the i3-2100 and GTX 560Ti and max games out at 1080p.
Yeah...but you have to make a sacrifice somewhere at this price point. I'd say...

CPU: $120 i3-2100

Mobo: $115 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128495

RAM: $22 4GB 1600CL9 after rebate

HDD: $50 Samsung Spinpoint F3 1TB on sale on Newegg whenever it comes back.

PSU: $40 Antec EA650

DVD: $19

Case: $40 Thermaltake V3 or V4 or $45 Antec 300 Illusion.

GPU: $190 GTX 560Ti after rebate

TOTAL: $606

You'll need to find deals to make something good work at this price point.
F*** no! =D 600 flat. I went ahead and ignored the "wait for bulldozer" advice and ordered a build similar to the ones posted here with a mix of deals, for under 600 flat. with a "NEWCUSTOMER10" code that saved me 10 dollars and got me a cheap keyboard.

Luckily for me bulldozer dissapoints?

Thanks to everyone here for there time and advice =)!!!

I'm very excited to join the pc master race, with my first gaming pc build =D!

Thanks so much =)