600W Be Quiet! Pure Power 9 - Is it any good?

Yes, it's a good power supply. Not top of the line like be quiet!'s Dark Power series, but it's certainly better than your current PSU. You, shouldn't have any problems running a 1080, 980, 780, etc.

You can also refer to the PSU Tier list, to see if other high quality PSU's are available in your area.

Thank you!!, also is their any difference between the CM variant and the normal other than cable management

yea, but not necessarily a 580, as in a better upgrade path because the best GPU for a 450w is 1060, and i would love to get a 1070. and it means i can get older cards
You can buy an older graphics card for now, if you really need one and can get a good deal. The 680 will still let you play most games at decent settings, my GTX 660 that I use in an HTPC setup for the family runs Tomb Raider 2013 on high settings with a mostly solid 60fps. So it's up to you 580 < 680 < RX 470 < 1070

so should i get the Psu and get the 470? it sets me back 1 month of saving or go straight for the RX 470?