600w PSU?


Mar 19, 2012
Hello, currently I have a antec neo eco 620w psu. im thinking about getting a 600w psu.
now, your probably thinking "wow, what a dummy, why would he do that?" the answer is simple. im getting a white case, and i found a white psu!

this is the psu http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817703036. its 12V and says it can deliver up to 46A . i know that normally they are 30A psus, but im not sure if this is good, or bad (going up 16A). im aware amps are current, so itll deliver the volts faster (i believe).
my current system runs below 400W, so thats ok. but i was wondering what the highest specs atm you could have with a 600w. if its not very high, ill wait for later and buy a bigger white psu.
the companies for cpu and gfx being intel and nvidia.

long story short: whats the highest specs you can have safely on 600w?

EDIT: also, its modular. i sorta know what that it, but could someone explain it to me so i know for sure?
Plenty of power for GTX 550 ti SLI and CPU overclocking.
No need for anything else - the Silencer MK III 600W has it all covered.
Hello illegalrugalah;

People have spent a lot more than that to do custom modding to personalize their computer systems. If you like the idea, and you want to do it, no reason not to.

That PC Power and Cooling Silencer MK III 600W is a good one.
It will run any single graphics card out there. And it will do SLI/CFX with many mid-range cards as well.
A modular (or partially modular like Silencer MK III 600W) has power cables that are not attached full time. You only use the cables you need for your parts.
That cuts down the amount of un-used cables in the case and makes for a neater, less cluttered appearance inside the case.

ahh. the modular idea seems AMAZING. i just further improved my cable management and have 3 or 4 completely unused cables behind my mobo.

also, if i choose to SLi 550s would i work with a i5 2500k? im looking into buying a i5 2500k and in the future (possibly a few years) ill probably want to sli550s or buy something of equivalent power. ive heard of psu supplement devices that feed directly into your gfx cards. in the situation of running out of power, could i use one of those?
ie: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817104054&Tpk=supplementary%20power%20supply
and @dosdecarnitas how do you "juice" out more power? sounds fun 😀

im looking through the review and trying to figure out how to "juice more out" but i feel like a baby being taught calculus...

and good news @wr2. ill buy it and sell my current psu to a friend. i love the white look 😀
I think dosdecarnitas is talking about the AC power pulled from the wall on the max load test in that Hardware Secrets review.

734W AC to make 597W DC power for the PC parts. That's 81.4% Efficiency under full load in a hot box stress test.

edit; on page 7
thats awesome.
does it automatically kick in when necessary? or does it need to be manually activated?
i wont ever do it (because if it comes a point where i have bought a i5 2500k and 2 550tis and can upgrade further, i think ill have enough money for a new psu 😉
im just a very curious boy

😀 well i mean they overloaded the PSU and delivered 712watts no issues at all, i mean 600 watts will be delivered easily :pt1cable: :pt1cable: :pt1cable:
haha coool:) so even if i stretch it to 650+watts then im safe?
now THATS quality 😉
thanks for your help guys, ill buy it! its a shellshocker so ill try to pick it up ASAP... i my parents didnt need to order it 😛 haha
anyway in my intel build i have a 3450 no overlock with 2 6850 in crossfire and one Crucial SSD and a Hitachi 7200RPM hard drive and everything runs nicely ohh and a SAMSUNG DVD burner

the other is an AMD FX8120 overclocked at 4.2ghz stock voltage and a HD7870 same hard drives and optical