60fps/60hz smoother than 60fps/144hz


Dec 1, 2015

So I've been using a 144hz monitor now for a while and I've only played games like CS:GO where I eill always have over 144fps. Recently I started playing more demanding games though and my system can't run those at such high framerates, usually it hovers around 60 on the witcher 3 for example. What I noticed though was that it did not feel like it was actually running at 60, more like 40-50 even though it never dropped below 60. I tried it on my 60hz monitor and it was a lot smoother.

Can someone please help me with this issue, or atleast give me some information on why this is occuring. I've done some research on this and from what I've found there shouldn't be a difference.
Worth noting is that I've tried changing the hz on my monitor to both 120 and 60 but no difference at all from 144. This occurs in all games and everywhere else aswell.

Main monitor: BenQ XL2411T
If you need the name of the other one I'll check tomorrow.

There will be less ghosting on 60/144 than 60/60, because the static refresh rate never changes, even if the FPS hits as low as 10, a 144 would still refresh every 6.9 ms, where as a 60 would refresh at 16.7 ms. However, 60/60, 60/144, will appear equally as smooth, as it's the extra frames that help make things appear a lot smoother.

You're right that there shouldn't be a difference in terms of smoothness, however. Frame times are a thing also. Likely what you're experiencing is microstuttering. Playing a console game at 30 FPS, is smoother than playing the same game at 30 FPS on PC, because the frame times are all over the place on PC, however, they're (mostly) stable on console. This is the most likely cause, because you have more room in terms of frame time on a lower refresh rate panel than a higher refresh rate. 60 FPS 32 ms frametime, means that it's actually 30 FPS, where as 60 FPS 16 ms frametime is 60 FPS, the latter results in smoother transtitions between frames.


Dec 1, 2015
So there's no way to fix this?

What's weird is that my friend with the same monitor does not have this problem, for him it runs smooth at 60.
And yes, I've tried turning vsync on and it didn't make any difference at all.